Rev. Gerrit Bruintjes declines call to Cloverdale
Rev. Gerrit Bruintjes from the Bethel Canadian Reformed Church in Richmond Hill has declined the call extended to him by the Cloverdale Canadian Reformed Church.
Institution of Caledonia Canadian Reformed Church
May 6, 2024 Caledonia
On April 28, 2024 the Caledonia Canadian Reformed Church was instituted by the grace of God. We give thanks and praise to the Lord for the opportunity to serve as a light of our Lord Jesus Christ in another place!

The congregation is temporarily worshiping in Bellstone Christian School, 6025…
Press release of Classis Pacific West (Langley Refuge) convened on April 25, 2024
1. Opening
On behalf of the convening church at Refuge, Rev.R.Visscher opened the meeting with the reading of Acts 15:1-11, singing Psalm 122:1,3 and prayer. By way of memorabilia he mentioned the arrival of Rev.R.Vanderhorst to the church in Smithers, as well as the call declined by Rev.J.Bruintjes to the…
Rev. Julius VanSpronsen declines call to Winnipeg (Grace)
Rev. Julius VanSpronsen of the Immanuel Canadian Reformed Church in Edmonton has declined the call extended to him by the Grace Canadian Reformed Church in Winnipeg.
General Synod (Aldergrove) 2025 - Notice of Convocation
April 16, 2024 Aldergrove 2025
We hereby extend an official notice of convocation of General Synod Aldergrove 2025,
to commence DV Tuesday, May 6, 2025.

An evening prayer service has been scheduled, DV, for Monday, May 5, 2025, 7:30 pm,
at the Aldergrove Canadian Reformed Church.

All hardcopy materials for Synod should be sent…
Cloverdale calls Rev. Gerrit Bruintjes
The Cloverdale Canadian Reformed Church extends a call to Rev. Gerrit Bruintjes of the Bethel Canadian Reformed Church in Toronto.
Press release of Classis Central Ontario (Burlington Fellowship) convened on March 22, 2024
Pastor Mark Stewart, on behalf of the Convening Church Fellowship Canadian Reformed Church in Burlington, welcomed the classis delegates and called the meeting to order. He read Romans 15 and led an opening prayer. We then sang Hymn 52.

After examination of the credentials, Pastor Mark Stewart reported that all…
Winnipeg (Grace) calls Rev. Julius VanSpronsen
The Grace Canadian Reformed Church in Winnipeg extends a call to Rev. Julius VanSpronsen of the Immanuel Canadian Reformed Church in Edmonton.
Press release of Classis Manitoba (Elm Creek) convened on March 22, 2024
March 25, 2024 Elm Creek March 2024
It was an historic moment, on Friday, March 22, 2024, when Rev. Dathan Pleiter, on behalf of the Elm Creek Canadian Reformed Church, welcomed all gathered for Classis Manitoba – for the first time, classis was being convened by and in the Elm Creek church. Rev. Pleiter especially welcomed Rev…
Rev. Julius VanSpronsen declines call to Neerlandia (Hope)
Rev. Julius VanSpronsen of the Immanuel Canadian Reformed Church in Edmonton has declined the call extended to him by the Hope Canadian Reformed Church in Neerlandia.
Neerlandia (Hope) calls Rev. Julius VanSpronsen
The Hope Canadian Reformed Church in Neerlandia extends a call to Rev. Julius VanSpronsen of the Immanuel Canadian Reformed Church in Edmonton.
Devon Lord’s Supper schedule changes
March 20, 2024 Devon
The Devon Canadian Reformed Church plans to celebrate Lord’s Supper six times per year on the first week (Sunday) of May, July, September, November, January, and March.
Press release of Classis Niagara (Smithville) convened on March 20, 2024
March 20, 2024 Smithville March 2024
On behalf of the convening church, Smithville, Rev Swaving opened the meeting in a Christian manner. In prayer he remembered the seminary, the decline of the extension of call to Rev. Sinke by Dunnville West, the vacancies in the classis, the installation of Rev John Louwerse in Grassie, the upcoming…
Press release of Classis Pacific East (Nooksack Valley) convened on March 6, 2024
Rev. Calvin Vanderlinde, on behalf of the convening church, Nooksack Valley, called the meeting to order. Rev. Vanderlinde read from Isaiah 65:17-25, and those present sang Hymn 36:1-4.

The credentials were examined and it was reported that the churches were duly represented by their delegates.

Classis was constituted; the officers…
Press release of Classis Ontario West (Hamilton Cornerstone) convened on March 6, 2024
On behalf of the convening Church of Hamilton-Cornerstone, Elder Art Witten opened the meeting of the delegates with reading Acts 15:22-29 and speaking some appropriate words of meditation upon it. After the singing of Psalm 125:1-2, br. Witten led in prayer. Classis was then declared constituted with Rev. Kenneth Kok…
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