

Book of Praise

The Book of Praise: Anglo-Genevan Psalter

The Book of Praise: Anglo-Genevan Psalter has an important function within the worship services of the Canadian Reformed Churches. The word "praise" in the title reminds us of the exhortation in the letter to the Hebrews: "Let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise-the fruit of lips that confess His name" (13:15). Because of His grace and faithfulness, the Lord meets with the people of His covenant in the worship service. In response to His Word we offer up our sacrifices of praise in psalms and hymns. The creeds and confessions are also the fruit of lips that acknowledge God's name.

The Standing Committee for the Book of Praise also maintains their own website at bookofpraise.ca.

Clarion Magazine

Clarion Magazine

Although the Canadian Reformed Churches have no official periodical, the magazine Clarion is widely read within the federation and carries articles by and for the Canadian Reformed community. Subscribe to the Clarion and receive a modern magazine, reflecting ageless principles rooted in the truths of Scripture. Exercise your mind as you delve into various editorials and read articles on a myriad of subjects. Reflect on your own personal spiritual life with meditations on Scripture relevant for today and tomorrow. Keep up to date on the various issues in Canada and other places around the world, such as mission fields in Brazil and Indonesia. Understand the importance of community within Christ's church as you follow events in the Canadian and American Reformed Church.

Learn more at clarionmagazine.ca.

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