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Exalting God,
Proclaiming the Gospel
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Combined worship services for Rehoboth and Ebenezer
For the month of July 2024, Rehoboth Canadian Reformed Church at Burlington, Waterdown will have combined worship services with Ebenezer Canadian Reformed Church in the Ebenezer building at 607 Dynes Rd, Burlington. Worship times are 10am and 3pm.
Press release of Classis Alberta (St. Albert) convened on June 20, 2024
June 29, 2024 St. Albert June 2024
On behalf of the convening church of St. Albert, Rev. K. Wieske opened the meeting with the reading of Psalm 25 and those in attendance sang Psalm 25: 2
The following matters were brought before the Lord in prayer: the recent retirement of Rev. Huijgen and the ordination of…
Immanuel United Reformed Church calls Candidate Zach Vanderploeg
June 29, 2024 Zach Vanderploeg
The Immanuel United Reformed Church of Listowel, Ontario has extended a call to Candidate Zach Vanderploeg.
Dunnville East calls Candidate Zach Vanderploeg
The Dunnville East Canadian Reformed Church in Ontario has extended a call to Candidate Zach Vanderploeg.
Lincoln (Vineyard) calls Candidate Zach Vanderploeg
The Vineyard Canadian Reformed Church of Lincoln, Ontario has extended a call to Candidate Zach Vanderploeg.
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