


The Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary is operated by the Canadian Reformed Churches in the first place for the training of ministers of the Word in this federation of churches. The seminary falls under the supervision of a Board of Governors, which directly reports to the General Synod of the Canadian Reformed Churches. Faculty and students are committed to the authority of Holy Scripture and seek to interpret the Scriptures in accordance with the Reformed confessions. Academic excellence and practical relevance for the ministry are of paramount importance.

The seminary is pleased to open its training and share its resources with others around the world who have the same goals of advancing the cause of Reformed churches to the glory of our sovereign and gracious God.

Visit canadianreformedseminary.ca for more information.

Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary
Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary

Bible Study

The study of God’s Word by all members is an ongoing activity in each local church. It begins in the early Fall, continues throughout the Winter months and concludes in late Spring. During this time a book of the Bible is usually studied in an indepth manner. From time to time, certain Bible themes, different ethical topics, current issues, or the confessions of the church may also be dealt with in a systematic way.

The method of study varies from the inductive approach which begins with the text of the Bible and forms conclusions from it, to the deductive approach which begins with an introduction by one of the participants. The purpose of an introduction is to draw out the central themes contained in a Bible passage and to stimulate discussion on it.

This program of study is often aided by resources found in the library of the church.

Catechism Instruction

The young people in each local church attend classes in which they are taught about the doctrine of the church. These classes begin most often at the age of twelve years and continue until such a time as these young members express a desire to publicly profess their faith and be admitted to the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.

In these classes the Heidelberg Catechism is used as the teaching guide. Once the students are sufficiently at home in the Scriptures and the Catechism, attention often shifts to the other confessions and to the history of the church.

These classes are usually taught by the local minister. If the local church is quite large, the minister may be assisted by an elder or by other able church members.

In many churches, courses for adult instruction are also offered.

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