Registration deadline – August 26 – Christ Lives in Us: Witness and Worship
August 21, 2023
Come and join us at the annual CRTS Conference, to be held September 8 & 9, 2023. The conference will commemorate the work and service of Dr. Arjan de Visser, who is retiring after 19 years of teaching at CRTS.

The conference will feature speeches from a variety of speakers…
Winnipeg Redeemer calls Candidate Dathan Pleiter
Redeemer Canadian Reformed Church in Winnipeg has extended a call to Candidate Dathan Pleiter to serve as missionary in Ambassador Canadian Reformed Church in Niverville, MB.
Candidate Matthias Schat accepts call to the Bishopdale Reformed Church of New Zealand
August 8, 2023 Cloverdale Elm Creek Matthias Schat
Candidate Matthias Schat has accepted the call extended to him by the Bishopdale Reformed Church of New Zealand.

He subsequently declines the calls to the Cloverdale Canadian Reformed Church and the Elm Creek Canadian Reformed Church.
Candidate Tim Slaa accepts call to serve as missionary in Papua New Guinea
August 7, 2023 Taber Orangeville Neerlandia (Hope) Vernon Tim Slaa
Candidate Tim Slaa has accepted the call extended to him by the Free Reformed Church of Southern River (Australia) to serve as missionary in Papua New Guinea.

He subsequently declines the calls to the Taber Canadian Reformed Church, the Orangeville Canadian Reformed Church, the Hope Canadian Reformed Church at Neerlandia…
Free Reformed Church of Comet Bay in Western Australia calls Rev. Cornelis Kleyn
The Free Reformed Church of Comet Bay in Western Australia has extended a call to Rev. Cornelis Kleyn, currently serving as missionary in Papua New Guinea for Bethel Canadian Reformed Church.
Dathan Pleiter sustains preparatory examination
July 31, 2023 Rev. Dathan Pleiter
Classis North of the Free Reformed Churches of Australia (July 28, 2023) declares that Br. Dathan Pleiter has sustained his Preparatory Examination (according to Art. 4 C.O.) and has been declared eligible for call in the FRCA and sister churches.
Dunnville East calls Candidate Dathan Pleiter
Dunnville East Canadian Reformed Church has extended a call to Candidate Dathan Pleiter.
Candidate Caleb Kos accepts call to Devon
Candidate Caleb Kos has accepted the call extended to him by the Devon Canadian Reformed Church.

He subsequently declines the calls to the Dunnville West Canadian Reformed Church, the Arthur Canadian Reformed Church, and the Redeemer Canadian Reformed Church.
Carman West Lord’s Supper Date Change
July 20, 2023
Carman West Canadian Reformed Church’s Lord’s Supper celebration, usually scheduled for 
the third Sunday of August (August 20) has been postponed until August 27th.
Bishopdale Reformed Church of New Zealand calls Candidate Matthias Schat
July 17, 2023 Matthias Schat
The Bishopdale Reformed Church of New Zealand has extended a call to Candidate Matthias Schat to serve as second pastor. 
Chauncey Knegt accepts call to Trinity Orthodox Presbyterian Church
July 12, 2023 Chauncey Knegt
Chauncey Knegt has received and accepted a call to serve as pastor of Trinity Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Bothell, Washington (pending successful completion of licensure and ordination examinations with the OPC's Presbytery of the Northwest).
CRTS Conference: Christ Lives in Us: Witness and Worship
July 12, 2023
*Due to changes in our speakers’ availability, the conference will now take place on September 8 & 9; there will be no evening lecture on September 7 as previously advertised*

“It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Gal 2:20). It is Christ who…
Press release of Classis Contracta Ontario West (Hamilton Cornerstone) convened on July 5, 2023
On behalf of the convening church (Hamilton-Cornerstone), Br. Ben Harsevoort welcomed the
delegates and opened the meeting in a Christian manner.

After reviewing the credentials, classis was declared constituted. Br. Ben Harsevoort was chosen as chair and Rev. J. Temple as clerk.

The delegates reviewed documents pertaining to the honourable…
Rev. Cody Swaving declines call to Toronto (Bethel)
Rev. Cody Swaving of the Smithville Canadian Reformed Church has declined the call extended to him by the Bethel Canadian Reformed Church at Toronto for the purpose of becoming a Missionary to Papua New Guinea.
Winnipeg Redeemer calls Candidate Caleb Kos
Redeemer Canadian Reformed Church in Winnipeg has extended a call to Candidate Caleb Kos to serve as missionary in Ambassador Canadian Reformed Church in Niverville, MB.
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