
Press release of Classis Central Ontario (Burlington - Waterdown Rehoboth) convened on June 7, 2024

Pastor Clarence VanderVelde, on behalf of the convening church, Rehoboth, Canadian Reformed Church in Burlington/ Waterdown, welcomed the brothers and called the meeting to order. We sang Hymn 49: 1-4. He read Acts 2: 42-47, and led in opening prayer.

Pastor Clarence VanderVelde reported that Fellowship examined the credentials for the delegates and found that they are in good order. Ottawa Jubilee is present via zoom and all primary delegates are seated.

Pastor Clarence VanderVelde declared Classis Central Ontario constituted.

The appointed officers take their place: Pastor Gerrit Bruintjes, (Bethel) as chairman, Br. Warner Reinink, (Elder delegate, Rehoboth) as vice-chair, and Pastor Winston Bosch (Blessings) as clerk.

The agenda was adopted with the addition of Rev K. Park signing the subscription form.

  • The chairman noted the following matters of memorabilia: the ongoing health concerns of Rev. Chris Bosch, Rev. John VanPopta. All the retired ministers in the classis are remembered.
  • The calls of Rev R. Eikelboom to Papua New Guinea and Rev J. Torenvliet to Cloverdale are noted.
  • The call to Rev. G. Bruintjes to Cloverdale and subsequent decline is noted.
The subscription form was read and then signed by Rev. K. Park


Church Visitation reports

Prayer was offered for each church individually.

The delegates from the churches were asked, according to Article 44, C.O., whether the ministry of the office bearers is being continued, whether the decisions of the major assemblies were being honored, and whether there is any matter in which the consistories need the help of classis. All churches answered yes, yes, and no, respectively.


From Redemption to change Article 49 of the Church Order.
Classis suggests that Redemption revise their proposal.

Correspondence from CER to CCO requesting communications on interchurch relations
Classis agrees to send this information.

Classis made the following appointments for the next Classis:
  1. The convening church for the next Classis will be Redemption
  2. The suggested officers for the next Classis:
  3. Chairman: Pastor Winston Bosch
  4. Vice-chairman: Elder delegate from Redemption
  5. Clerk: Pastor Mark Stewart
Next Classis Central Ontario is scheduled to begin the evening of Thursday Sept 12-13, 2024.

Question period was made use of.

Christian censure according to Art. 34 C.O. was not necessary.

The meeting is closed by Rev Bruintjes in prayer and singing Guide Me Oh Thou Great Redeemer.

On behalf of Classis Central Ontario:
Warner Reinink (vice-chairman at that time)
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