Declined the call to the church of Chatham, ON: Rev. C. Bouwman of Yarrow, BC.
Declined the call to St. Albert, AB: Rev. J. VanWoudenberg of Guelph, ON.
Declined the call by the Free Reformed Church of Armadale, WA, to Lae, PNG, as missionary: Rev. H. Alkema of Houston, BC.
In preparation for General Synod Burlington Ebenezer 2010 a prayer service has been called by the consistory of Ebenezer church. This prayer service will be held on Monday, May 10, 2010, at 8:00pm at the Ebenezer Canadian Reformed Church on Dynes Road to pray the Lord for His blessing on…
Called by the church of Chatham, ON: Rev. C. Bouwman of Yarrow, BC.
Declined the call to the church of Vernon, BC: Rev D. de Boer of Dunnville, ON.
Rev. Wes L. Bredenhof has been awarded a Doctor of Theology degree, following the successful defence of his dissertation, For the Cause of the Son of God: The Missiological Relevance of the Belgic Confession. The defence took place on April 9, 2010, and the degree was awarded by Reformation International…
Called by the the church of St. Albert, AB: Rev J. VanWoudenberg of Guelph, ON.
Examined by Classis Ontario West on March 24, 2010 and received consent to speak an edifying word in the churches (C.O. Art. 21), effective May 2010, upon successful completion of the current academic year: Students Abel Pol, Steve Vandevelde, and Ted VanSpronsen.
The mailing address for Grace Canadian Reformed Church in Winnipeg is: P.O. Box 43021 RPO Kildonan Place Winnipeg, MB R2C 5G5
Declined the call to Vernon, BC: Rev. J. Louwerse of Neerlandia, AB.
Called by the church of Vernon, BC: Rev. J. D. Louwerse of Neerlandia, AB.
Accepted the call to the congregation of Smithville, ON: Candidate K. Bergsma.
Rev. Jason P. Van Vliet has been awarded the degree Doctor of Theology, following the successful defence of his dissertation, Children of God: the Imago Dei in John Calvin and His Context. The defence took place on October 29, 2009, at the Theological University of the Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerken…
Rev. R. Bredenhof graduated with the Master of Theology degree from St. Stephen's College (University of Alberta), on October 26, 2009. His thesis was titled, "'I Speak as to My Children': 2 Corinthians and Paul's Relationship with the Church at Corinth."