
Fall Ontario Office Bearers' Conference

October 24, 2011

The Fall Office Bearers’ Conference has been scheduled for Saturday, November 12, 2011 at 9:30 AM in the Ancaster Canadian Reformed Church building (575 Shaver Road Ancaster) Speaker: Dr. J. Van Vliet, Professor of Dogmatics at the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary The topic for this conference is: “The Church's Confessions in Congregations Today” "No creed but Christ!" That's a slogan that is heard from time to time. Or the question is raised, "How can confessions written centuries ago still be relevant in our iPhone age?" And, practically speaking, how can office bearers make effective use of the confessions in their work? These questions will be addressed as we explore the blessed and beautiful heritage we have in the ecumenical creeds and the Three Forms of Unity.

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