Lord's Supper date change for Neerlandia (North)
October 31, 2018 Neerlandia
To all those intending to visit the Neerlandia Canadian Reformed Church in November: Please be advised that the date for the celebration of the Lord's Supper has been change to November 18 rather than November 11.

Report received from the Committee for Contact with Churches in North America
October 30, 2018 Edmonton (Immanuel) 2019
The report to General Synod Edmonton (Immanuel) 2019 from the Committee for Contact with Churches in North America has been posted.

Change of worship service location
October 29, 2018 Nooksack Valley
Nooksack Valley American Reformed Church plans to worship in the Sumas Christian Reformed Church building (700 Sumas Ave in Sumas, WA) in the afternoon services of November 11, 2018 and November 18, 2018.
Report received from the CWEB
October 23, 2018 Edmonton (Immanuel) 2019
The report to General Synod Edmonton (Immanuel) 2019 from the Committee for the Official Website has been posted.
Report received from the Committee on Relations with Churches Abroad
October 23, 2018 Edmonton (Immanuel) 2019
The report to General Synod Edmonton (Immanuel) 2019 from the Committee on Relations with Churches Abroad has been posted.
Rev Sinke declines the call to St Albert
October 21, 2018 St. Albert
Rev. J. Sinke of the Bethel United Reformed Church in Woodstock, ON has declined the call extended to him by the St Albert Canadian Reformed Church.
Report received from the Standing Committee for the Publication of the Book of Praise
October 20, 2018 Edmonton (Immanuel) 2019
The report to General Synod Edmonton (Immanuel) 2019 from the Standing Committee for the Publication of the Book of Praise has been posted.
Report for Synod 2019 received from the CRTS Board of Governors
October 19, 2018 Edmonton (Immanuel) 2019
The Board of Governors of the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary have published their report to General Synod Edmonton (Immanuel).
Press release of Classis Ontario West
Classis Ontario West, convened on September 19th, 2018 and reconvened on October 17th, 2018 has concluded and their press release is now available.
Candidate Feenstra sustains his peremptory examination
Candidate Darren Feenstra sustained his peremptory examination in Classis Ontario West and classis approbated the call extended to him by Cornerstone Canadian Reformed Church. 
Report received from the Committee for Bible Translation
October 18, 2018 Edmonton (Immanuel) 2019
The report from the Committee for Bible Translation to Synod Edmonton Immanuel 2019 can be found here.
Change of Morning Worship Time
October 17, 2018 Carman (East)

The Carman East Canadian Reformed Church morning worship service on November 11, 2018 will be at 9:00am instead of 9:30am. Lord's Supper celebration on November 11, 2018 will be in the afternoon service rather than the morning service.

Press release of Classis Northern Ontario
The press release of Classis Northern Ontario (Guelph Emmanuel) on September 27, 2018 has been posted.
Report received from the Subcommittee for Theological Education
October 10, 2018 Edmonton (Immanuel) 2019
The report from the Committee for Church Unity's Subcommittee for Theological Education to Synod Edmonton Immanuel 2019 has been posted.
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