General Synod 2019: GKv decision
With sadness the General Synod 2019 of the Canadian Reformed Churches decided unanimously to discontinue the sister church relationship with the Reformed Churches in The Netherlands (GKv) and to implore the CanRCs to remain in prayer for the GKv. May the Lord have mercy on them and on us.
General Synod 2019: Day 5 - Monday Evening
Monday evening Rev. Dr. W. den Hollander, recently appointed as NT professor at CRTS, is to be at GS 2019, to address the delegates. A letter from Dr. G.H. Visscher will be read. The chairman of the Board of Governors will addess Synod. A letter from the OPC will be…
St. Albert's new church building is ready!
May 17, 2019 St. Albert
Beginning on Sunday, May 19th, the St Albert congregation will be worshiping at their new church building, located at 54203 Range Road 261.  The worship times will return to their normal times at 10:00 AM and 2:30 PM.
General Synod 2019: Day 4 - Friday
Synod members are meeting in advisory committees all day. The evening session will be plenary. There are no speeches scheduled for this session. Some of the agenda items this evening may happen in closed session (only office-bearers allowed). There will be no live streaming tonight.
General Synod 2019: Provisional Acts
The Provisional Acts of General Synod Edmonton-Immanuel 2019 have been posted. This document will be updated periodically throughout the duration of the synod.
General Synod 2019: Day 3 - Thursday Evening
General Synod will reconvene in a session open to the public at 7:00pm. The following fraternal delegates and fraternal observers will be addressing synod: Free Reformed Churches of Australia, Reformed Churches in New Zealand, United Reformed Churches in North America, and the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. The speeches will be…
Rev. Jagt declines call to Cloverdale
Rev. Marc Jagt, minister of the Canadian Reformed Church at Fergus North, has declined the call extended to him by Cloverdale Canadian Reformed Church.
Rev. Dr. W. den Hollander appointed as professor
GS 2019 has appointed the Rev. Dr. W. den Hollander as professor of New Testament at the CRTS, to fill the vacancy created, the Lord willing, in 2020 by the retirement of the Rev. Dr. G.H. Visscher.
Dr. Jeff Temple declared eligible for call
Dr Jeff Temple was examined and determined to have the met the requirements according to Article 8 of the Church Order by Classis Ontario West of May 15, 2019 and declared eligible for call.
Brs. Dekker and Plug granted permission to speak an edifying word
Brs. Kelvin Dekker and Aidan Plug were examined by Classis Ontario West of May 15, 2019, and granted permission to speak an edifying word.
General Synod 2019: Day 2 - Wednesday Evening
Synod reconvenes at 7:00pm (MT) to hear speeches from the Free Reformed Churches in South Africa (FRCSA), the Reformed Churches in Brazil (IRB), the Reformed Churches in The Netherlands (liberated) (GKv), and the Calvinist Reformed Churches in Indonesia (GGRC). There will be two speeches from the Dutch delegates: Rev. IJbema…
General Synod 2019: Day 2 - Wednesday Afternoon
Agenda for Wednesday afternoon:

Synod will reconvene in plenary session at 2:00pm. Items on the agenda include: relationships with the FCS and ERQ, RSE Overture on the Lord’s Supper form, and an appeal on the procedure of RSE May 2018. Further items on the agenda will be dealt with in…
General Synod 2019: Day 1 - Tuesday
Following the opening of synod by Rev. J. VanSpronsen of the Edmonton-Immanuel CanRC, the following brothers were chosen to the executive: as chairman Rev. Agema, as vice-chairman Rev. Louwerse, as first clerk Rev. Janssen, and as second clerk Rev. Holtvlüwer.

Agenda for Tuesday evening:

Synod will reconvene at 8:00pm for…
Bethel (Toronto) Worship Service Time Change
May 2, 2019 Toronto (Bethel)
Bethel Canadian Reformed Church of Toronto has changed the afternoon worship service time from 4pm to 3:30pm. The new service time will begin on June 2, 2019.  
General Synod Edmonton 2019 Prayer Service
In preparation for General Synod Edmonton 2019 the consistory of the Immanuel Canadian Reformed church has invited Rev. Richard Aasman to lead a prayer service on Monday, May 13, 2019, at  7:30 p.m.  All churches are invited to come to the Immanuel church building (21135-35 Ave. NW, Edmonton, AB) as…
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