GS 2022: Provisional Acts
May 25, 2022 Guelph (Emmanuel) 2022
The provisional acts of GS 2022, May 20 have been posted. Those of May 21, the last day of GS 2022, will likely be posted early next week. 
Please note that these acts are PROVISIONAL and not official. The official acts, including all appendices, will replace the provisional acts once…
Press Release of General Synod Guelph (Emmanuel), 2022
May 24, 2022 Guelph (Emmanuel) 2022
The press release of General Synod Guelph (Emmanuel), 2022 has now been posted.
GS 2022 Press Release
(3 pages, 129 KB)
GS 2022: Provisional Acts
May 21, 2022 Guelph (Emmanuel) 2022
The provisional acts of GS 2022, May 18 & 19 have been posted.
Please note that these acts are PROVISIONAL and not official. Official acts of all sessions will not be published until after Synod's completion.
GS 2022
May 21, 2022
GS 2022 completed its business around noon on Saturday, May 21. Provisional acts will be posted when they are ready and can be uploaded. 
(A thunderstorm that happened as Synod closed has meant a power cut in the Guelph area for the sixth hour now.)
GS 2022: Evening Session
May 20, 2022
There will be no public livestream for this evening's session of GS 2022.
Candidate Tim Veenstra accepts call from Sardis
May 20, 2022 Sardis Rev. Tim Veenstra
Candidate Tim Veenstra has accepted the call from the Canadian Reformed Church at Sardis, B.C. 
GS 2022: Fraternal Observer speech
May 20, 2022
Due to circumstances, the fraternal observer address on behalf of the Heritage Reformed Churches (HRC) took place during the day. His address can be viewed here
GS 2022: Provisional Acts
May 20, 2022 Guelph (Emmanuel) 2022
The provisional acts of GS 2022, May 17 have been posted.
Please note that these acts are PROVISIONAL and not official. Official acts of all sessions will not be published until after Synod's completion.
GS 2022: Evening Session
May 19, 2022
The docket for tonight's synod session has not been set yet. It will consist of a variety of agenda items, including a third round on the CRCA-CCCNA Study Report.
This session is to begin at 7:30pm and is to end at roughly 9pm (Eastern Time). You can view this session…
GS 2022: Provisional Acts
May 18, 2022 Guelph (Emmanuel) 2022
The provisional acts of GS 2022, May 16 have been posted.
Please note that these acts are PROVISIONAL and not official. Official acts of all sessions will not be published until after Synod's completion.
GS 2022: Evening session May 18
May 18, 2022
There will likely be no plenary session of GS 2022 this evening. 
GS 2022: Evening Session Tuesday May 17
May 17, 2022
This evening the fraternal delegate of the Calvinist Reformed Churches in Indonesia (GGRCI) will be addressing GS 2022. Following this address synod will close the day with devotions and then go for committee work.
This session is to begin at 7pm and will likely end around 7:30pm (Eastern Time). You…
Location of Classis Ontario West on May 25 and June 1, 2022
May 17, 2022
The Providence Canadian Reformed Church in Hamilton is the convening church for Classis Ontario West to be held D.V. on May 25, 2022 and reconvened on June 1, 2022. Please note that the classis will be held in the Hamilton-Cornerstone building at 353 Stone Church Rd E, Hamilton.
GS 2022: Provisional Acts
May 16, 2022 Guelph (Emmanuel) 2022
The provisional acts of GS 2022, May 13 have been posted.
Please note that these acts are PROVISIONAL and not official. Official acts of all sessions will not be published until after Synod's completion.
GS 2022: Evening session Monday May 16
May 16, 2022 Guelph (Emmanuel) 2022
This evening GS 2022 will be hosting the CRTS community (senate, staff, and retired professors with spouses) for dinner. The evening session will consist of speeches from Dr. Bredenhof regarding his appointment, Dr. De Visser reflecting on his time at CRTS, and some words from the principal, Dr. Van Vliet…
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