
Press release of Classis Ontario West (Chatham Eben-Ezer) convened on May 24 and June 7, 2023

On behalf of the convening church of Eben-Ezer Canadian Reformed Church of Chatham, ON, Br.
H. Tamminga opened the meeting in a Christian manner. In prayer, he remembered the health concerns of Rev. J. Temple, the work of CRTS, the needs of Dr. Nic. Gootjes and his family, and the upcoming commemoration of the out pouring the Holy Spirit. He welcomed the delegates as well as the students present to be examined. The credentials were found to be in good order and Classis was declared constituted.

The executive suggested by the previous Classis were asked to take their place: Rev. P. Holtvluwer as chairman, Rev. K. Kok as vice-chairman, and Rev. J. Temple as clerk. The chairman thanked the convening church for their work in preparation for this Classis. The agenda was adopted.

Five CRTS students presented themselves to be examined for permission to speak an edifying word (art. 21 C.O.). They each presented sermon proposals which were discussed in closed session. Each proposal was deemed sufficient to continue with the examinations. They each were examined in doctrine and creeds. After examination and after promising not to preach or teach anything contrary to the Word of God as confessed in the Three Forms of Unity, the following brothers were granted permission to speak an edifying word: Mitchell Bosveld, Hongdi Chen, Reese Gaillard, Todd Linde, and Tony Zheng. Brothers Bosveld, Chen, Gaillard, and Linde are second year students and received permission for three years. Brother Zheng is a third year student and received permission for two years.

The chairman asked the questions set out in article 44 C.O. All the churches answered that the
ministry of the office-bearers was being maintain and that the decisions of the major assemblies were being honored.

As classical treasurer, Br. Vanderhout proposed that Classis raise the mileage rate to the match
current CRA guidelines ($.68/km). Br. Vanderhout also recommended that Classis should continuously match CRA guidelines moving forward. The proposal was adopted.

The financial report from the classical treasurer was received with thanksgiving. The audit of the
classical books found them in good order. The report of the inspection of the classical archives was received.

Trinity Canadian Reformed Church of Glanbrook, ON was appointed to convene the next Classis.
The date for the next Classis was set as September 13, 2023 (with December 13, 2023 as the alternate date). The suggested officers for the next Classis are: Rev. K. Kok as chairman, Rev. J. Temple as vice-chairman, and Rev. T. Van Beek as Clerk.

Use was made of the personal question period. The chairman determined, with thankfulness, that
nothing censurable was said, or done in the course of the meeting. The Acts, to this point, were read and adopted, and the Press Release, to this point, was read and approved. Classis is scheduled to be reconvened on June 7, 2023. The chairman adjourned the meeting in a Christian manner.

On June 7, the chairman called the meeting to order and opened in a Christian manner. In prayer, he remembered Rev. J. Temple's recent surgery and that Rev. D. Feenstra had accepted the call extended to him by Jubilee Canadian Reformed Church of Ottawa, ON. All the properly credentialed delegates  were present. Because of Rev. J. Temple's absence, Rev. A. Vreugdenhil is appointed as clerk.

Three brothers who have complete their studies at CRTS presented themselves for preparatory
examinations (art. 4, C.O.). Brothers Faustin Emadjeu, Matthias Schat, and Timothy Slaa presented their sermon proposals. In closed session, Classis deemed each of the proposals to be sufficient to continue with their examinations. In open session, each of the brothers was examined in Old Testament exegesis, New Testament exegesis, and doctrine and creeds. In closed session, Classis determined that each of these brothers had sustained their examinations. After each promised not to preach, or teach anything contrary to the Word of God as confessed in the Three Forms of Unity, Classis granted each of them a certificate of candidacy for the ministry, lasting for three year period.

Classis dealt with a request from Br. Raoul Kingma to have his permission to speak an edifying
word, which had lapsed, to be reinstated and extended for two years. Classis acceded to this request, provided that Br. Kingma has his sermons approved by a minister within the Federation, as is customary for others with permission to speak an edifying word.

Use was made of the personal question period. The chairman determined, with thankfulness, that
nothing censurable was said, or done in the course of the meeting. The Acts, for this day of Classis, were read and adopted, and the Press Release, for this day, was read and approved. The chairman then closed the meeting in a Christian manner and Classis was declared closed.

For the Classis,
Rev. K. Kok, vice-Chairman, e.t.
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