Sustained Licensure Examination
March 23, 2011

Examined by Classis Ontario West of March 23, 2011 and granted permission to speak an edifying word in the churches: Student David Winkel.

Grand Valley Worship Location
March 4, 2011 Grand Valley

With gratitude, Grand Valley expects to begin having its worship services in its newly added auditorium on March 20, 2011. The address, and the times for the services, are as noted in the Yearbook.

Call Declined
February 27, 2011 Carman (East)

Declined the call to the Canadian Reformed Church at Carman East, MB: Rev. R. Eikelboom of Launceston, Tasmania (FRCA).

Call Declined

Declined the call to the American Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, MI: Rev. C. Bouwman of Yarrow, BC.

Call Declined
February 21, 2011 Abbotsford Rev. Marc Jagt

Declined the call to the Abbotsford Canadian Reformed Church: Rev. M. Jagt of Taber, AB.

Call Extended
February 9, 2011 Carman (East)

Called by the Canadian Reformed Church at Carman East: Rev. R.J. Eikelboom of the Free Reformed Church at Launceston, Tasmania.

Call Extended

Called by the American Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, MI: Rev. C. Bouwman of Yarrow, BC.

Call Extended
January 18, 2011 Abbotsford Rev. Marc Jagt

Called by the Abbotsford Canadian Reformed Church: Rev. Marc Jagt of Taber, AB.

Call Declined

Declined the call to the Eben-Ezer Canadian Reformed Church of Chatham, ON: Rev. D. de Boer of Dunnville, ON.

Call Declined
December 28, 2010 Houston

Declined the call to the Free Reformed Church of Albany, Western Australia: Rev. H. Alkema of Houston, BC.

Sustained Ordination Exam
December 11, 2010

Sustained his ordination exam at the Classis Manitoba of December 10, 2010: Candidate Ryan Kampen.

Call Extended

Called by the Eben-Ezer Canadian Reformed Church in Chatham: Rev D. de Boer of Dunnville, ON

Call Declined
December 8, 2010 Smithville

Declined the call to the Smithville Canadian Reformed Church: Rev. D. Poppe of Coaldale, AB.

Call Extended
November 13, 2010 Coaldale

Called by the Smithville Canadian Reformed Church: Rev. D. Poppe of Coaldale, AB.

Call Extended
November 11, 2010

Called by the Free Reformed Church of Albany, Western Australia: Rev. H. Alkema of Houston, BC.

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