Called by the CanRC at Yarrow, BC: Rev. R. Eikelboom of the Free Reformed Church of Launceston, Tasmania.
Accepted the call of the Bethel CanRC of Toronto to serve as a missionary in Papua New Guinea: Rev. C. Kleyn of Kerwood, ON.
Accepted the call to the Living Word CanRC of Guelph, ON: Rev. D. Agema of Fergus (Maranatha).
Declined the call to the Barrhead CanRC: Rev. D. Poppe of Coaldale, AB.
Sustained his ordination exam at Classis Manitoba of December 2, 2011: Candidate Steve Vandevelde, minister elect of the Carman East CanRC.
Called (a second time) by the Free Reformed Church of Albany, Western Australia: Rev. H. Alkema of Houston, BC.
Called by the Barrhead CanRC: Rev. D. Poppe of Coaldale, AB.
Called by the Living Word CanRC of Guelph, ON: Rev. D. Agema of Fergus (Maranatha).
The Mission Board of the Maranatha Canadian Reformed Church in Surrey BC has re-launched a website highlighting the work in Brazil. The web site address is
New address for candidate Justin Roukema: 17 Garibaldi Dr., Brampton ON, L6X 4Y7. Phone 905-455-2889. Justin remains available for call while he is doing some work for the Brampton congregation.
Called by the Bethel CanRC of Toronto to serve as a missionary in Papua New Guinea: Rev. C. Kleyn of Kerwood, ON.
The Fall Office Bearers’ Conference has been scheduled for Saturday, November 12, 2011 at 9:30 AM in the Ancaster Canadian Reformed Church building (575 Shaver Road Ancaster) Speaker: Dr. J. Van Vliet, Professor of Dogmatics at the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary The topic for this conference is: “The Church's…
Declined the call to the Chilliwack CanRC: Rev. H. Alkema of Houston, BC.
Accepted the call to the Carman East CanRC: Candidate Steve Vandevelde
Declined the call from the Cornerstone CanRC, Hamilton, ON to serve as co-pastor: Rev. John Louwerse of Neerlandia, AB.