The Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary will be hosting its annual conference on January 16-18, 2014. More details can be found at the CRTS website.
The Calgary Canadian Reformed Church will be celebrating Lord's Supper on Sunday November 17th in the morning service rather than on Sunday November 10th.
Called by the Free Reformed Church of Launceston, Tasmania: Rev. R. Vermeulen of Glanbrook (Trinity), ON.
Very early on Monday morning, September 23, after a short stay in hospital, Rev. W.W.J. VanOene was taken from this life by the LORD to be with Christ. The following arrangements have been made for his funeral, It will be held, DV, on Friday, September 27. An opportunity to express…
Early in the morning of September 23, at the age of 93, Rev. W.W.J. Van Oene was promoted to glory and taken to his heavenly home. Funeral details to be announced later.
Called by the Barrhead CanRC: Candidate Calvin Vanderlinde.
Called by the Maranatha CanRC of Fergus and the Grace CanRC of Kerwood: Candidate Theo Wierenga.
Called by the Cornerstone CanRC of Hamilton to serve as co-pastor: Rev. D. Wynia of Lincoln, ON.
Called by the Emmanuel CanRC at Guelph: Candidate Calvin Vanderlinde.
Called by the Redeemer CanRC of Winnipeg for mission work in Manitoba: Candidate Calvin Vanderlinde.
Examined by Classis Ontario West of September 11, 2013 and declared eligible for call: Calvin Vanderlinde and Theo Wierenga.
Declined the call to the Ebenezer CanRC of Burlington: Rev. R. Den Hollander of Winnipeg (Grace).
Called by the Free Reformed Church of Southern River, Western Australia: Rev. D. Poppe of Coaldale, AB.
Called by the Free Reformed Church of Bunbury, Western Australia: Rev. D. Poppe of Coaldale, AB.
Called by the Ebenezer CanRC of Burlington ON: Rev. R. J. Den Hollander of Winnipeg (Grace), MB.