Call accepted and call declined
January 23, 2016 Smithers London (Pilgrim)

Accepted the call to the Smithers Canadian Reformed Church to serve as missionary in Prince George, BC and declined the call to the Pilgrim Canadian Reformed Church at London, ON: Candidate Tim Schouten.

Press release for Classis Northern Ontario

The press release for Classis Northern Ontario, held December 22nd, 2015, can be found here.

Call declined

Declined the call to the Flamborough Canadian Reformed Church: Rev. D. Wynia of the Vineyard Canadian Reformed Church in Lincoln, ON.

CRTS Free Evening Lectures: January 14 & 15 @ 8 p.m.
January 12, 2016 Burlington (Ebenezer)

As part of our 2016 Conference, CRTS has invited Rev. Eric B. Watkins to address us on “The Relevance of Redemptive-Historical Preaching in a Postmodern Context: An Optimistic Proposal.” The next evening, Jan. 15, also at 8 p.m., Dr. Lawrence W. Bilkes will give his speech “Preaching the Whole Counsel…

Call extended
January 12, 2016 Smithers

Called by the Smithers Canadian Reformed Church to serve as missionary in Prince George, BC: candidate Tim Schouten

Updated volume for Synod Dunnville
January 8, 2016 Dunnville East 2016

Volume 2 of the compiled reports to Synod Dunnville 2016 was originally printed and uploaded without the six appendices of the report from the subcommittee for relations with churches in the Netherlands. The updated version is now available online.

Funeral Arrangements for Rev. Clarence Stam
January 2, 2016

On Friday January 1st , our Lord called home his servant, Rev. Clarence Stam, minister emeritus of Cornerstone Canadian Reformed Church. Visitation with the family will be held on Tuesday, January 5, 2016 from 2-4 and 6-9 p.m. at the CORNERSTONE CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH, 353 Stone Church Rd. E., Hamilton…

Examination Sustained
December 22, 2015 Grand Valley

Candidate Randall Visscher sustained his peremptory examination at Classis Northern Ontario on December 22, 2015. The Lord willing, he will be ordained as Minister of the Word of the Canadian Reformed Church at Grand Valley on Sunday, January 17, 2016.

Call extended

Called by the Flamborough Canadian Reformed Church: Rev. D. Wynia of the Vineyard Canadian Reformed Church in Lincoln, ON.

Change of Worship Times & Location
December 17, 2015

Due to renovation, the Attercliffe Canadian Reformed Church will worship in the Dunnville Canadian Reformed Church building, starting January 10, 2016. The starting times for the services are 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM.

Press Release for Classis Ontario West

The press release for Classis Ontario West, held December 9th, 2015, can be found here.

Call declined
December 16, 2015 Rev. Arend Witten

Declined the call to the Free Reformed Church of Kelmscott, Australia: Rev. A. Witten of Vernon, British Columbia.

Call extended
December 16, 2015 London (Pilgrim)

Called by the Pilgrim Canadian Reformed Church at London, ON: candidate Tim Schouten.

Change of Worship Time
December 15, 2015 Brampton (Grace)

Effective January 3, 2016 the morning service at Grace Canadian Reformed Church of Brampton will begin at 9:30 am.

Call extended
December 13, 2015

Called by the Canadian Reformed Church of Coaldale AB: Rev. J. Huijgen of the Canadian Reformed Church at Attercliffe ON.

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