
An Evening Prayer

Merciful God, in whom is no darkness at all, we come before you at the end of this day. We thank you that you have given us strength for our daily work, and have guided us safely through this day. Bless what was good in our labour and conduct.

Since you ordained that man should labour during the day and rest at night, we pray you to give us peaceful and undisturbed rest so that we may be able to take up our daily task again. Command your angels to guard us and cause your face to shine upon us. We cast all our anxieties on you, for you take care of us.

Control our sleep and rule our hearts, in order that we may not be defiled in any way but may glorify you even in our nightly rest. Defend and protect us against all assaults of the devil and take us into your divine protection.

We confess that we did not spend this day without grievously sinning against you. In your mercy please cover our sins as you cover the earth in the darkness of the night.

Grant comfort and rest to all who are ill, bowed down with grief, or afflicted with spiritual distress. Your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not abandon the works of your hands.

All this we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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