
A Prayer for the Sick and the Spiritually Distressed

Righteous God and merciful Father, you are the Almighty, without whose will nothing occurs in heaven or on earth. Life and death are also in your hand. We are not worthy to call upon you and, if you were to keep a record of our sins we could not hope that you would hear us and answer us. We pray that you will look upon us according to your mercy in Christ Jesus, who carried our sorrows and was pierced for our transgressions. We acknowledge that of ourselves we are incapable of doing any good and are inclined to all evil. Therefore we are justly chastised and disciplined by you and yet we do not nearly receive what we deserve.

Lord, you have made us your people and you are our God. Your mercy, which you have never withheld from those who turn to you, is our only refuge. We pray, therefore, do not hold our sins against us but impute to us the satisfaction, righteousness, and holiness of Christ, so that in him we may stand before you. Graciously grant us recovery, take this suffering and sickness away from us, and bless the means of healing you have provided. If it pleases you to prolong our trial, give us patience and strength to bear it all according to your will. You are wise and good. May whatever you decide serve the renewal of our life.

Lord, rather chastise us here than that we should perish with the world hereafter. Grant that we may forsake the world and crucify our old nature, and that we may more and more be renewed after the image of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us never be separated from your love, but draw us closer to you from day to day. Grant that we with joy may fulfill our calling, which is to die with Christ, to rise with him triumphantly, and to live with him eternally. We believe that you will hear us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Or: … who taught us to pray, Our Father … )

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