
Convocation Notice General Synod Burlington 2010

October 16, 2009

In accordance with the decision of General Synod Smithers 2007, Acts Art. 159 – 17, the Ebenezer church at Burlington, ON, will convene the forthcoming General Synod, D.V., on Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 9:00am in its church building at 607 Dynes Road, Burlington, ON. The consistory of Burlington-Ebenezer will call a special prayer service for this Synod for Monday May 10, 2010 at 8:00pm. You are reminded of the following provisions in the Guidelines for General Synod: 1. All material for Synod shall be received by the convening church in thirty copies no later than six weeks prior to the convocation date of General Synod. 2. All materials submitted to Synod, including Reports, Appeals, and Overtures, which quote any foreign language source must provide in the text of the submission a full English translation and in a footnote the citation in the original language. All material for Synod (in 30 copies) can be mailed to the attention of the Agenda Committee, Ebenezer Canadian Reformed Church, 607 Dynes Road, Burlington, ON, L7N 2V4

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