On behalf of the convening church, Rev. G. Veurink welcomed the delegates, along with Revs. J. Poppe and B. Wielenga who were present as deputies of regional synod and Cand. Josh Peters who was present for his peremptory exam. He read Psalm 84 then requested everyone to sing Psalm 84:4,6. In prayer the following memorabilia was mentioned: Candidate Josh Peters accepting the call to Taber, Rev. C. Swaving accepted the call to Hope- Neerlandia, the churches at Calgary and Coaldale that remain vacant, and the retired ministers in the churches.
The convening church reported that the credentials were in order and Classis was declared constituted. The following executive officers took their place: Rev. C. Kos as chairman, Rev. G. Veurink as vice-chairman and Rev. K. Wieske as clerk. The agenda was adopted.
After determining that the necessary paperwork was in order, Classis proceeded with the peremptory exam of Candidate Josh Peters. Following his delivery of a sermon proposal on Genesis 22, Classis deemed the sermon sufficient to continue the exam. After examining him in the required disciplines, Classis, with the concurring advice of the deputies of regional synod, determined that he had sustained the exam.
Rev. Matthew Van der Woerd passed on greetings on behalf of Classis Western Canada of the URCNA. Church visitation reports were received for Providence, Immanuel and Barrhead. Classis received a letter from the appointed contact with the provincial government and archivist.
A proposal from Taber was adopted to correct a typo in the regulations. A proposal from the church at Neerlandia to change Article 58 was rejected. The questions from CO Article 44 were asked with 7 of the churches answering “Yes, yes and no”. Pulpit supply was granted every 6 weeks to the vacant churches with Rev. Veurink drawing up a schedule. Concurring advice was given in a matter of discipline. Advice was provided on the matter of church boundaries. Classis then dealt with an appeal in closed session.
The church at Calgary was appointed as convening church for the next Classis. The proposed date is June 19, 2025 with an alternate of September 11, 2025. The suggested officers are Rev. J. Van Spronsen as chairman, Rev. C. Kos as vice-chairman and Rev. G. Veurink as clerk.
Personal question period was made use of. With thankfulness the chairman declared brotherly censure was not needed. The acts and press release were adopted. Rev. Kos requested the singing of Psalm 1:1,2,3 and Rev. Emadjeu closed in prayer.
Rev. Gerard Veurink, Vice-chairman e.t.