The CanRC Synod web page ( has been updated to reflect structure of the latest Agenda. This should enhance any potential searches for materials. More importantly, it will simplify the process for churches to respond to matters on the agenda.
Once again, we kindly remind churches of the relevant formatting and submission deadline details for below:
Electronic material to: CorrespondenceGS2025@AldergroveChurch.comHard copy material to:
Synod 2025 Steering Committee
c/o Aldergrove Canadian Reformed Church
PO Box 809, Aldergrove, BC V4W 2V1
Material format:In accordance with synod regulations set out by General Synod Guelph (2022):
"All material for Synod should be received by the convening church in paper or digital format (searchable text PDF as much as feasible) no later than six weeks prior to the convocation date of general synod. Those submitting material shall ensure that one signed copy is available for the archives of General Synod. Material received after this date shall ordinarily not be added to the agenda unless Synod is satisfied that the reasons given for later arrival are reasonable."We kindly request the following:
- one agenda item per submission;
- every submission should be a separate file;
- the file name identifies who the submission is from, the topic, and the date;
- documents be searchable PDF format;
- documents be page numbered;
- documents be line-numbered;
- confidential files be password protected, (send password to the undersigned Correspondence Committee in separate email);
- correspondence should be from an official church address, not personal email.
NOTE: We are happy to assist with the above upon request.
Please mark your calendars with the following dates, the Lord willing:
- November 6, 2024: Final date for receipt of synodical committee reports;
- November 6, 2024: First provisional agenda for Synod 2025 issued to all churches;
- December 6, 2024: Final date for receipt of overtures from Regional Synods;
- December 6, 2024: Regional Synods distributed copies of adopted overtures to all churches
- March 24, 2025: Final date for receipt of appeals, and interactions with reports/overtures;
- May 5, 2025: 7:30PM Evening Prayer Service in the Aldergrove Church (26655 24 Avenue, Aldergrove, BC)
- May 6, 2025: Synod 2025 opens at 9:00 am