Press release of Classis Pacific West (Surrey Maranatha) convened on September 26, 2024

1. Opening

On behalf of the convening church at Surrey-Maranatha, elder Stan VanGrootheest opened the meeting with the reading of 2 Timothy 2:1-13, requested the singing of Hymn 26, and led in prayer.

2. Constitution of Classis

The delegates from the previous hosting church (Smithers) examined the credentials and found them to be in good order, noting instructions received from various churches. Classis was declared constituted, and Rev.R.Visscher was appointed as chairman, Rev.H.Alkema as vice-chairman, and Rev.K.Janssen as clerk.

Revs.B.Wielenga and J.Poppe were welcomed and seated as regional synod deputies, while Revs.Doug Vandeburgt (Langley), Tim Schouten (Prince George/Smithers) and Rick Vanderhorst (Smithers) were also welcomed and seated as advisors.

3. Adoption of the Agenda

After some minor additions, the agenda was adopted.

4. Peremptory Examination of Candidate Taylor Bredenhof

After ensuring that the proper documentation had been submitted, Classis proceeded to the peremptory examination of candidate Taylor Bredenhof. Candidate Bredenhof presented his sermon on Luke 15:1-7, after which Classis deemed his two sermon proposals sufficient to continue with the examination. Br.Bredenhof was asked by the chairman to share his motives for seeking the ministry, and was then examined in the categories of Old and New Testament Exegesis, Knowledge of Scripture, Doctrine and Creeds, Church History, Ethics, Church Polity and Pastoral Ministry. Classis judged with thankfulness that candidate Taylor Bredenhof had sustained his peremptory examination and received his verbal promise not to teach anything that is not in accordance with the Reformed confessions.

5. Proposals (Article 33 C.O.)

An overture from Willoughby Heights was received concerning the ecclesiastical route and a proposed change to Article 30 of the Church Order. After discussion, this overture was adopted and will be sent to the next Regional Synod West (November 19, 2024) with the request that it be adopted and sent on to General Synod Aldergrove 2025.

An overture from Langley was received concerning the method of assigning delegates and number of delegates to General Synod and a proposed change to Article 49 of the Church Order. After discussion, this overture was adopted and will be sent to the next Regional Synod West (November 19, 2024) with the request that it be adopted and sent on to General Synod Aldergrove 2025.

An overture from Langley was received concerning the approval of metrical Psalms and hymns and a proposed change to Article 55 of the Church Order. After discussion, this overture was adopted and will be sent to the next Regional Synod West (November 19, 2024) with the request that it be adopted and sent on to General Synod Aldergrove 2025.

6. Reports

a. Committee for Financial Aid to Needy Churches - The Committee reported that no requests for support or information had been received in the past year.

b. Committee for Revision of the CPW regulations - After adopting the updated regulations submitted by this committee, Classis thanked the committee for its work, judged that its mandate had been completed and discharged the committee from its duties.

7. Question Period (Article 44 C.O.)

The chairman asked the delegates the questions from Article 44 (C.O.) and the delegates answered in turn. Under the provisions of this article, advice was requested by one church and granted by Classis.

8. Appointments

a) Date of the next classis: December 19, 2024 (alternate April 3, 2025)
b) Convening church for the next classis: Willoughby Heights
c) Suggested officers for the next classis: Smithers (Chairman), Willoughby Heights (vice-chairman), Houston (clerk)
d) Committee for Appeals (Art.31 C.O.)
- Primary: K.Janssen (convenor), A.Meints, P.Struik
- Alternates: H.Alkema, J.Kuik (Cloverdale), J.Onderwater
e) Counsellors for Vacant Churches (Art.45 C.O.)
i)  for Cloverdale: D.Vandeburgt
            ii) for Surrey-Maranatha: K.Janssen
f) Delegates to Regional Synod (Art.44 C.O.)
- Ministers: H.Alkema, D.Vandeburgt (alternates R.Visscher, K.Janssen, in that order)
- Elders: A.Vandenhoeven, A.Meints (alternates J.Vanderploeg, K.Dykstra in that order)

9. Closing

Personal question period was made use of. Censure according to Article 34 of the Church Order was not deemed necessary. Due to the late hour, it was agreed that the Acts would be approved by the executive, and the Press Release was read and approved. The chairman closed Classis with prayer, after which the delegates stood to praise God with the singing of Hymn 8.

For Classis Pacific West - September 26, 2024,
H. Alkema (vice-chairman at that time)
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