
Press release of Classis Alberta (Taber) convened on September 19, 2024

September 24, 2024 Taber September 2024
The chairman of the Convening Church of Taber called the meeting to order. We read from Psalm 67 and sang Psalm 67:1. The chairman led in prayer remembering the following memorabilia: 
  • The ongoing work of the churches and the health of the ministers and other office bearers
  • The preparatory exam of Josh Peters 
  • Rev. Baijal’s recent decision to decline the call extended to him by Hope and the ongoing vacancies of Calgary, Coaldale, Neerlandia-Hope, and Taber
  • The retired ministers: Rev. Aasman, Rev. Kalkman and his wife who is recovering from knee surgery, Rev. Slomp, and Rev. Tiggelaar who recently returned home from the hospital after his stroke 
  • The faculty, staff and students at the CRTS as they begin a new year of study, and for Dr. Van Raalte in his time of recovery after his heart surgery

The credentials were found to be in good order and Classis was constituted. St. Albert sent a secondary delegate in place of Rev. Wieske who was ill. All are welcomed. The officers take their place. Chairman, Rev. G. Veurink, Vice-chairman, Rev. J. VanSpronsen and Clerk: Rev. M. ten Haaf. The agenda is adopted.

After ensuring all the proper documentation was in order, Classis proceeded to the preparatory examination of student Josh Peters. Student Peters presented a sermon on Acts 8:26-40 and then after the students from Coaldale Christian school were welcomed, he was then examined on Old Testament Exegesis (Haggai 2), New Testament Exegesis (Luke 4:1-30), and on Doctrines and Creeds (via an audio-visual link). Classis judged that Josh Peters had sustained his exam, heard his verbal promise not to teach anything that is not in accordance with the Reformed confessions, and declared him eligible for call in the churches. 

The following reports are received: 1) Classis treasurer report received with thankfulness; (2) St. Albert reports that the books of the treasurer are in good order; (3) Church visitors report on visits made to the churches of Neerlandia-Hope and Neerlandia (Art. 46, C.O.); (4) The Committee for Students of Theology report on their activities for the last year.

The churches at Calgary, Coaldale, Neerlandia-Hope, and Taber request and receives pulpit supply every 6 weeks to assist them during their time of vacancy. 

The chairman asks the pertinent questions of Article 44 (CO). The churches at Devon, Calgary and Coaldale expressed a need for the judgment and help of classis for the proper government of their churches. Advice was given. 

The churches of Classis Alberta received two appeals which were dealt with in closed session. 

The Convening Church for the next Classis is Barrhead date December 12, 2024 (alt. March 13, 2025). Suggested executive officers for next Classis are C. Kos, chairman, G. Veurink, vice-chairman, K. Wieske, clerk. Standing committees and church visitors are reappointed.

Classis delegates the ministers: Revs. Mark ten Haaf and Ken Wieske (with alternates: J. VanSpronsen, G. Veurink in that order) and the elders: brothers Lynden Kok and Ray Noot (with alternates: Garret Bos and Bill van Beek in that order) to Regional Synod West, November 19, 2024 convened by Providence CanRC at the Abbotsford CanRC. 

Classis received a letter from the Taber URC with fraternal greetings. 

Delegates were given an opportunity for personal questions and for brotherly censure (Art. 34, CO). Classis agreed that the Acts and the Press Release could be approved by the moderamen after classis was adjourned. In closing, the chairman thanked the committee for its work, the delegates for their contributions, and the convening church of Taber for their stellar work of hosting. Thank you Taber CanRef for the Classis 2024 pens and notepads, and for the brisket, corn and potatoes for supper! We sang Psalm 108:1, 2 the chairman led in prayer and the meeting was adjourned. 

Rev. J. VanSpronsen (vice chairman at that time)
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