
Press release of Classis Northern Ontario (Fergus North) convened on September 19, 2024

September 23, 2024 Fergus (North) September 2024
On behalf of the convening church Rev. Marc Jagt opened the meeting in a Christian manner. The delegates from Fergus Maranatha examined the credentials and found them to be in good order. Classis was declared constituted. Appointed as officers were Rev. Tyler Vandergaag as chairman, Rev. Eric Onderwater as vice-chairman, and Rev. Jeff Poort as clerk. The agenda was adopted with minor changes.
Classis received reports from the treasurer, from the church for auditing the books of the treasurer, from the committee for the fund for needy churches, from the church responsible for auditing the books of the fund for needy churches, and from the church at Orangeville, which was responsible for inspecting the archives of Classis. These reports were approved and received with thanksgiving.
Classis approved a monetary assessment from the churches for $4.00 per communicant member, for the classis fund.
An overture from Grace Brampton was received by Classis, concerning changes to Article 49 of the Church Order. The overture was adopted and will be sent on to Regional Synod.
Question period according to Article 44 of the Church Order was held. The churches reported that the ministry of the office-bearers is being continued and the decisions of the major assemblies are being honoured. Advice was asked for and received.
Classis appointed the church at Grand Valley as the convening church for the next classis to be
held on December 11 during the day, or in the evening of that day if there is a short agenda. The
alternate date for classis will be March 19 during the day, or in the evening of that day if there is a
short agenda.
Appointments are made for delegates to Regional Synod. Elders Bernie Kottelenberg and Calvin
Kapteyn are primary delegates, as well as Rev. Eric Onderwater and Rev. Jeff Poort. Elder Joe
Bultena and Rob van Sydenborgh are alternates, as well as Rev. Tyler Vandergaag and Rev. Bryan
Question period was held. The chairman thanked the brothers for their brotherly cooperation. The
Acts of Classis were adopted, and the press release approved. The classis sang together, and the
chairman led in a prayer of thanksgiving. He then declared this assembly closed.
Rev. Eric Onderwater, vice-chairman for that meeting of Classis.
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