
Press release of Classis Central Ontario (Flamborough Redemption) convened on September 12, 2024


On a beautiful late Summer evening, Rev. Jake Torenvliet, on behalf of the convening church, welcomed all the delegates to classis and opened the meeting by reading from Psalm 78:1-8, speaking a few words about the privilege of telling others about the mystery of the gospel, and inviting the delegates to sing from the proposed hymn “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us.” He then led in an opening prayer. Burlington-Rehoboth reported that aside from two churches, all the primary delegates were in attendance. Because of unforeseen circumstances, Ottawa-Jubilee was only able to send one primary delegate, and Hamilton-Blessings sent one alternate and one primary delegate.
Classis was constituted. 
Rev. Clarence VanderVelde was appointed as chair, Mr. Wil Bartels as vice-chair, and Rev. Mark Stewart as clerk. The agenda was adopted. 

Classis noted the ongoing health challenges for some of its retired ministers. Classis also noted with thankfulness the ongoing labours of a number of its retired ministers: In September, Rev. Jan DeGelder travelled to New Zealand on behalf of the Committee for Ecumenical Relations (CER) to attend the general synod of the Reformed Churches in New Zealand as a fraternal delegate. Additionally, in the coming weeks Rev. Gijsbert Nederveen and Rev. William DenHollander will travel to Australia to fill the pulpits of two vacant sister-churches for a number of months. Rev. Henry Versteeg also continues to be actively involved in the foreign mission field of Papua New Guinea. Classis remembered Hamilton-Blessings’ ongoing search for a second pastor. The churches encouraged them in their continuing search and for the ministry of the church during the ongoing vacancy. Finally, classis noted that the Burlington/Waterdown-Rehoboth and Burlington-Ebenezer councils are carefully working toward a merger of the two congregations.

Christ continues to build and grow his Church through the local and foreign ministry efforts of the churches. Each church in turn reported on their missional activities, giving opportunity for follow up discussion, and a time to celebrate how the Lord of the harvest remains active through his Word and Spirit. Following each church’s report their efforts were prayed over by a delegate from a neighbouring church.
Burlington-Fellowship reported that the classis archives have been inspected and were found to be in good order with a number of exceptions. The missing documents list was reviewed, and Rev. John VanPopta will contact the ministers that served as clerk of previous meetings of classis and urge them to supply the missing documents. The Treasurer’s report was received and reviewed. The assessment proposal of $2 per communicant member was approved. 
Burlington/Waterdown-Rehoboth reported that the financial records have been reviewed and are in good order up to August 31, 2024. Mr Jack Spithoff was discharged of responsibility for his work during that period, and thanked for his work. 
The Committee for Needy Churches reported on its activities for the past year.  There has been no activity for the fund in the past year.  Burlington/Waterdown-Rehoboth reported that the financial records have been reviewed and are in good order.  The committee was discharged of responsibility for the period  Jan 1, 2023 until Dec 31, 2023.  Mr. Ed Jans, Mr. Fred Lodder, and Mrs Aafke Spithoff were thanked for their work.
Question Period according to Art. 44 Church Order:

Question period according to Article 44 C.O. was utilized. All churches affirmed that the ministry of the office bearers is being faithfully maintained, and the decisions of the major assemblies are being honoured. Toronto-Bethel Church requested advice about a date for a colloquium for Rev. Richard Eikelboom as he transitions from Byford Free Reformed Church in Australia to the care of Toronto-Bethel as missionary in Papua New Guinea. A date of October 18, 2024 is set for the colloquium.

At 10 p.m. the chair closed in prayer. Classis adjourned for the evening.


At 9 a.m. on Friday morning, Rev. Clarence VanderVelde called the meeting to order. A roll call revealed that all delegates from Thursday evening were present with one exception: an alternate delegate from Blessings replaced the primary delegate of the previous evening.
On behalf of Hamilton-Blessings Church, Dr. Greg Davidson introduced Rev. David Chen to classis as an observer. Rev. David Chen is an ordained minister in the Korean Presbyterian Church of China (KPC), a former church planter, and currently enrolled as a student at MacMaster Divinity School. He is now a member at Blessings. David has been commissioned by Hamilton-Blessings as an evangelist, and he is working in the neighbourhood around Blessings, and running classes for newcomers. 
Rev. VanderVelde opened the day’s proceedings by reading from Psalm 146, and speaking words of meditation about the continuing faithfulness of the LORD in the churches today. He invited the delegates to sing from Psalm 146: 1, 3, and then led in a prayer for blessing. 
Question Period according to Art. 44 Church Order (continued from Thursday evening):

In closed session, one church requested and received advice in a case of church discipline. After returning to open session, Burlington-Ebenezer Church requested and received advice concerning the best way to structure and oversee a Portuguese-language mission operating out of Ebenezer church under the direction of retired OPC minister, Rev. George Barros. Hamilton-Mercy Church requested and received advice.
Proposals or Instructions of the Churches:

Redemption Church submitted a proposal to change Article 49 of the Church Order in order to increase the number of delegates to general synod, and to move the body that delegates brothers to general synod from regional synods to each classis. Additionally, Redemption proposed ways that general synod can shorten its duration in an effort to encourage more elders to attend. These include increasing the frequency of general synod, implementing a hybrid model of online and in-person meetings, and getting clerical assistance for the recording clerk of general synod. Classis adopted the proposal.

Burlington-Ebenezer Church submitted a proposal with guidelines for the handling of the Classis Central Ontario archives. Classis adopted the proposal.
Burlington-Fellowship Church submitted a proposal to allow the churches to sing alternate Psalm renditions and additional hymns which faithfully reflect the teaching of Scripture as expressed in the Three Forms of Unity, provided they are approved by consistory. Classis adopted the proposal.
Correspondence Received:

Classis approbated an adjusted letter of call formulated by the Hamilton-Blessings Church for Dr. Bill DeJong in light of his position as Redeemer's faculty chaplain.

Committee of Examiners: Rev. Clarence VanderVelde, Dr. Bill deJong. Alternates: Rev. Tony Roukema, Rev. Winston Bosch (in that order).
Church Visitors: Rev. Rev. Clarence VanderVelde (convener), Rev. Winston Bosch, Rev. Gerrit Bruintjes, Rev. Greg Davidson, Rev. Darren Feenstra, Rev. Hilmer Jagersma, Rev. Tony Roukema, Rev. Mark Stewart, Rev. Jake Torenvliet, Rev. Ian Wildeboer.
Church Archives: Burlington-Ebenezer 
Church to inspect Archives: Burlington-Fellowship 
Treasurer: Mr. Jack Spithoff 
Church to inspect Treasurer’s books: Burlington/Waterdown-Rehoboth
Committee for Needy Churches: Mr. Ed Jans, Mr. Fred Lodder, Mrs. Aafke Spithoff. 
Church to inspect books of Fund for Needy Churches: Burlington/Waterdown-Rehoboth 
Committee for Appeals: Rev. J. DeGelder (Convenor), Mr. Rick Ludwig. Alternates: Rev. Dr. Gijsbert Nederveen, Rev. John VanPopta, Mr. Leo Kampen (in that order).
Delegates for Regional Synod East: 
(Ministers) Rev. Jake Torenvliet, Rev. Hilmer Jagersma. Alternates: Rev. Clarence VanderVelde, Rev. Ian Wildeboer (in that order).
(Elders) Mr. John Jager, Mr. Barry Hordyk. Alternates: Mr. Hank VanderBrugghen, Mr. Paul DenHollander (in that order).
Convening church for next Classis: Hamilton-Blessings Church
Suggested officers for the next Classis: 
Rev. Hilmer Jagersma (Chair); Hamilton-Blessings Elder (Vice-Chair); Rev. Gerrit Bruintjes (Clerk)
Date of the next scheduled classis is set D.V. for Friday, October 18, 2024 at 9 a.m. at Hamilton-Blessings Church (colloquium for Rev. Richard Eikenboom). 
Date of next regularly scheduled classis is set D.V. for Friday, December 13, 2024.
Question period was utilized. 

Censure according to Article 34 C.O. was deemed unnecessary. The Acts were reviewed and adopted. The Press Release would be drafted by the executive. Rev. Clarence VanderVelde led in closing prayer. The meeting was closed. 
Wil Bartels – Vice Chair
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