
Press release of Classis Ontario West (Kerwood Grace) convened on September 11, 2024

September 16, 2024 Kerwood (Grace) September 2024
Opening of classis

On behalf of the church at Kerwood, Rev. Steve Vanleeuwen opened the meeting in a Christian manner. In prayer he remembered some of the needs in the classis and in the seminary. The credentials were found to be in good order and Classis was declared constituted. 

The following brothers formed the moderamen as per the suggestion of the previous classis: chairman, Rev. Arjen Vreugdenhil; vice-chairman, Rev. Peter Holtvlüwer; clerk, Rev. Ken Kok. Rev. Vreugdenhil thanked the church at Kerwood for convening classis and completing all the preparatory work. Rev. Peter Vellenga representing Classis Southwestern Ontario of the United Reformed Churches of North America was welcomed and seated as a fraternal delegate. Rev. Vanleeuwen, being new to the classical district, duly signed the Form of Subscription. 

Question Period ad Art. 44 CO

All the churches indicated that they are continuing the ministry of the office-bearers as well as honouring the decisions of the broader assemblies. Two churches sought concurring advice in matters of church discipline and the requested advice was given. One church sought advice on a matter pertaining to Article 61 Church Order and various delegates gave advice. 

Reports, Proposals, and Overtures
  1. Report of the Fund for Needy Churches Ancaster as Administrator of the Fund proposed to assist the church at Grand Rapids for 2025 by assessing the churches at $20 per communicant member. This was adopted. 
  2. Report on the Appeals’ Committee proposal the report of the ad hoc committee (appointed by the previous classis) on Glanbrook’s original proposal to establish an Appeals Committee was received and its recommended amendments adopted. Classis proceeded to discuss and then adopt the original proposal as just amended. The Church for the Archives was asked to update the classis regulations and all churches were asked to come to the next classis with nominations of persons who could serve on the Appeals Committee. 
  3. Overture from Glanbrook re: suggested changes in wording to the Forms of Excommunication —after discussion, this overture was not adopted. 
  4. Interchurch Committee proposal — Providence church presented its proposal to establish a standing committee for contact with neighbouring classes and presbyteries of churches with whom the CanRC have ecclesiastical fellowship or contact. This committee would replace Grace CanRC in its role as contact church, a duty Grace had asked to be relieved of. After adopting the three proposed amendments, classis then adopted the proposal as a whole. The churches were asked to come to the next classis with nominations of persons who could serve on the Interchurch Committee and Grace church was asked to continue its role until this committee could be populated. Thanks was expressed to Grace Kerwood for all the years of serving as the Church for Ecumenical Relations. 
  5. Overture from Ancaster re: explanatory footnote — Ancaster church presented its overture to add an explanatory footnote to the Apostles’ Creed regarding the clause “he descended into hell” (intended to mitigate misunderstanding). After discussion, classis adopted the overture and the clerk will send it to the next regional synod east (November 13, 2024) with the request that this be considered, adopted, and sent on to General Synod Aldergrove 2025. 
Fraternal Greetings

Rev. Peter Vellenga brought greetings and encouragement on behalf of Classis Southwestern Ontario of the URCNA. The chairman responded with words of appreciation and by wishing those churches the blessing of the Lord. 

Correspondence Received
  1. The Classis treasurer recommended an assessment of $8 per communicant member for the year 2025. Classis accepted that recommendation. 
  2. A letter of greeting was received with gratitude from Classis Michigan of the URCNA. 

Classis made the following appointments:
  1. Convening church for the next classis: Pilgrim–London on December 11 (cancellation date March 5, 2025). Suggested moderamen: Chairman Rev. P. Holtvlüwer, Vice-chairman Rev. Kok, and Clerk Rev. Temple. 
  2. Delegates to Regional Synod East November 13 at Providence–Hamilton: Chosen were Revs. Holtvlüwer and VanBeek as primary delegates with Revs. Temple and VanWoudenberg as alternates, in that order. Also chosen were elders Justin Schutten and Arie den Hollander with Joel VanPopta and John VanMiddlekoop as alternates, in that order. 
  3. Treasurer – Br. Brian Vanderhout
  4. Church for Auditing the Books of the Treasurer – Hamilton (Cornerstone)
  5. Church for the Archives – London
  6. Church for Inspecting the Archives – Kerwood
  7. Church Visitors – Revs. Ken Kok (convenor), Peter Holtvlüwer, Jeff Temple, Steve Vanleeuwen, John VanWoudenberg, and Arjen Vreugdenhil. 
  8. Committee of Examiners – Revs. Ken Kok (convenor), John VanWoudenberg, and Peter Holtvlüwer 
  9. Church to Administer the Fund for Needy Churches – Ancaster
  10. Church to Audit the Fund for Needy Churches – Providence–Hamilton 
Closing of Classis

Personal question was made use of. The chairman declared that censure according to Article 34 CO was, thankfully, not necessary. The Acts and the Press Release were each read and approved by the assembly. After having the body sing, the chairman led in thanksgiving prayer and classis was declared closed.

For Classis Ontario West September 11, 2024 - Rev. Peter Holtvlüwer (clerk at that time)
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