
Press release of Classis Northern Ontario (Fergus Maranatha) convened on June 21, 2024

On behalf of the convening church, Rev. J. Ludwig welcomed the delegates. He called the meeting to order and led the opening devotions. A number of matters were remembered in prayer: the end of another academic year at CRTS; the retired professors and their continued service to the churches; the summer internships of the students; Arthur’s vacancy; Rev Jagt’s decline of the call to Grace Winnipeg; Rev. Eikelboom’s acceptance of the call by Toronto for mission work in PNG, and both the congregation of Elora and their minister and his family,

The delegates from the church of Elora examined the credentials and found them to be in good order. Classis was constituted. The officers proposed by the previous classis were appointed: Rev. J. Poort as chairman, Rev. E. Onderwater as clerk, and Rev. J. Ludwig as vice-chairman. The convening church was thanked for its work in preparing for classis. 

After the adoption of the agenda. Rev. Mark Vanderlinde, recently ordained as Orangeville’s minister, signed the Form of Subscription. 

Reports of church visitations to Guelph Emmanuel, Guelph Living Word, Elora, Fergus North, Arthur, Owen Sound, Brampton, Grand Valley, Fergus Maranatha, and Orangeville were received with thankfulness. 

The following appointments were made: convening church for the next classis is Fergus North to be held, D.V., on Sept., 20 2024 (alt. date: Sept. 19, 2024, if the agenda is short). Proposed officers of the next classis: Rev. T. Vandergaag (Chairman); Rev. E. Onderwater (Vice-chairman), Rev. Jeff Poort (Clerk). Rev. M. Jagt was appointed to the Examination Committee. Rev. Mark Vanderlinde was appointed to be the examiner in Knowledge of Scripture.

The proposal from Fergus Maranatha regarding a process to work with churches in our classical area with whom we have ecclesiastical fellowship, and churches with whom local Can RCs have contact, was adopted. Fergus North was appointed as the Coordinating Church for Ecumenical Relations. It will be responsible for inviting observers to Classis Northern Ontario, and for appointing observers from Classis. 

In closed session classis dealt with an appeal.

Two proposals were received from the church of Brampton, one regarding Article 49 and the other Article 55 of the Church Order. These proposals were not adopted.

Question period according to Article 44 of the CO was held. The chairman asked the three questions contained in that article. All the churches answered that the ministry of the office bearers was being continued, and that the decisions of the assemblies were being honored. The church of Elora requested a counselor be appointed during the suspension of Rev. T. Wierenga. Rev. J. Ludwig was appointed. Arthur also requested a counselor. Rev. M. Jagt was appointed. 
The church of Brampton requested advice in a case of discipline. Advice was given.

Personal Question period was held. Censure according to Art 34 was not deemed necessary. The assembly entrusted the duty of preparing the Acts and Press Release to the executive, after which Rev. J. Poort led in closing devotions. Classis was declared closed.

For Classis Northern Ontario,
Rev. J. Ludwig (Vice-chairman at that time) 
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