
Press release of Classis Pacific West (Smithers) convened on June 27, 2024

July 11, 2024 Smithers June 2024
Convened by Smithers Canadian Reformed Church and hosted at Langley Canadian Reformed Church.

On behalf of the convening church, Rev. R. Vanderhorst opened the meeting with the reading of 2 Timothy 2:1 – 19, the singing of Psalm 36:3, and prayer. In prayer we prayed for Zachary Vanderploeg, who was to be examined. We prayed for Maranatha, which had had a call declined by Rev. J. Bruintjes and was awaiting a response to their call to Candidate Taylor Bredenhof. We also prayed for Cloverdale which had had calls declined by Revs. G. Bruintjes and J. Torenvliet. 

The delegates from Refuge examined the credentials and found them to be in good order, noting instructions from two church. It was noted that Maranatha delegated student Jakob Mars. After some discussion, it was decided to not seat student Mars as a delegate. Classis was declared constituted, and Rev. D. Vandeburgt was appointed as chairman, Rev. R. Visscher as vice chairman, and Rev. R. Vanderhorst as clerk.

After some suggested changes were made, the agenda was adopted. The convening church and hosting church were thanked by the chairman. Revs. J. Visscher, H. Alkema, and A. Plug were seated as advisors and student Mars as an observer. 

Rev. R. Vanderhorst signed the form of subscription. 

Classis proceeded to the examination of student Z. Vanderploeg after ensuring all the proper documentation was in order. Student Vanderploeg then presented a sermon on Psalm 67 which was sustained. Having spoken of his personal motivations in pursuing pastoral ministry, Student Vanderploeg was then examined in Old Testament Exegesis (2 Chr. 13.13-22), New Testament Exegesis (Mark 2:1-12), and on Doctrines and Creeds (Doctrine of the Word of God and Creation with a focus on the image of God). Classis judged that he had sustained his exam and the chairman prayed for him. Candidate Z. Vanderploeg is now eligible for call in the churches for one year. 

Rev. A. Plug was delegated to attend a presbytery meeting of the OPC NorthWest Presbytery in Kennewick, Washington in September. 

Church visitation reports for all the churches in the classis (as well as Prince George) were received with gratitude. Delegates had opportunity to ask questions and receive answers regarding the reports. 

Classis then discussed a report from the CPW Regulations Study Committee as well as a number of submitted interactions from the churches regarding the Study Committee’s report. The report was accepted with some changes that arose from the interactions. The Committee was thanked for its work. 

Classis received a report from the Committee for Financial Aid to Needy Churches and number of submitted interactions from the churches. The report was received with gratitude. The proposal contained within the report was adopted with some minor amendments. 

The chairman asked the delegates the questions from Article 44 (CO) and the delegates answered in turn “yes” “yes” “no”. 

The next Classis is to be convened by Maranatha at 9 am on September 26, 2024.

Personal question period was made use of. Censure according to Article 34 (CO) was not deemed necessary. The executive was instructed to complete the Acts, and the Press Release was read and approved. The chairman closed classis with prayer, after which the delegates sung Psalm 67:1.

For Classis Pacific West,

R. Visscher (vice-chairman at that time).

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