Press release of Classis Alberta (St. Albert) convened on June 20, 2024

June 29, 2024 St. Albert June 2024
On behalf of the convening church of St. Albert, Rev. K. Wieske opened the meeting with the reading of Psalm 25 and those in attendance sang Psalm 25: 2
The following matters were brought before the Lord in prayer: the recent retirement of Rev. Huijgen and the ordination of Rev. F. Emadjeu; calls extended to Rev. J. Van Spronsen by Hope Neerlandia and Winnipeg (Grace) which he declined; Rev. Van Leeuwen accepted the call extended to him by the CanRC at Kerwood; therefore Calgary will soon be vacant; Hope (Neerlandia) extended a call to Cand. Jacob Baijal; the churches in Taber and Coaldale are also vacant; the retired ministers and their families were also remembered: Revs. Slomp, Tiggelaar, Aasman, Kalkman. 
The credentials of the delegates were examined and found to be in good order and the classis was constituted. The officers suggested by the previous classis were Rev. K. Wieske as chairman, Rev. M. ten Haaf as vice-chairman, and Rev. J. Van Spronsen as clerk, and they were appointed.
Student Josh Peters presented himself for a preparatory examination, supplying the necessary paperwork. He presented his sermon proposal on 1 John 2:15-17, which was judged to be sufficient. He was then examined in Old and New Testament exegesis, and in Doctrine and Creeds. In closed session, classis determined that he did not sustain the exam. He was informed of the decision and the delegates prayed for Br. Peters and his family. 
The Form of Subscription was signed by Revs. F. Emadjeu and C. Kos.
Immanuel reported on the inspection of classis archives.
The church visitors reported on their visits to the churches of St. Albert, Taber, Coaldale, Hope (Neerlandia), Neerlandia, Calgary, and Devon.
The chairman asked the delegates the questions contained in Art. 44 of the Church Order. The churches answered that the ministry of the gospel is maintained and the decisions of broader assemblies are being followed. Coaldale also requested help in the proper governing of their church.
Calgary requests a church counselor for their time of vacancy; Classis appoints Rev. K. Wieske. Coaldale also requests a church counselor for their time of vacancy. Classis appoints Rev. J. Van Spronsen.
Pulpit supply is requested by Calgary, Coaldale, Hope (Neerlandia), and Taber. Due to the high number of vacancies, the frequency of classical appointments will be every 6 weeks. Rev. Veurink is appointed to schedule pulpit supply.
Classis dealt with an appeal in closed session.
The following appointments were made:
Classis appointed Taber as the convening church for the next classis and suggested the following officers:
Chairman: Rev. G. Veurink
Vice-chairman: Rev. K. Wieske
Clerk: Rev. M. ten Haaf.

The date for the next classis is set for Sept. 19, 2024 with an alternate date of Dec. 19, 2024. Rev. F. Emadjeu is appointed as OT Examiner to replace Rev. S. Van Leeuwen.
Personal question period was made use of, and the chairman gave the delegates the opportunity to exercise brotherly censure.

The Acts of Classis and the press release were adopted, and Rev. G. Veurink led the delegates in closing devotions.
Rev. M. ten Haaf, vice-chairman at the time
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