
Press release of Classis Pacific East (Sardis) convened on June 6, 2024

June 12, 2024 Sardis June 2024
Rev. Tim Veenstra, on behalf of the convening church, Sardis, called the meeting to order. Rev. Veenstra read from Psalm 107:23-32, and those present sang Psalm 107:1, 9, 11

The credentials were examined and it was reported that the churches were duly represented by their delegates.

Classis was constituted; the officers to serve classis were appointed: Rev. Dave deBoer as chairman; Rev. Jeremy Segstro as vice-chairman; and Rev. Tim Veenstra as clerk. A welcome was extended to br. Taylor Bredenhof and the guests present as he was sitting his preparatory exam at this classis.

Classis adopted its agenda with revisions.

Classis examined br. Taylor Bredenhof, a graduate of the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary seeking candidacy in the churches. After judging his sermon sufficient to proceed with the exam, he was examined in Old Testament Exegesis, New Testament Exegesis, as well as Doctrine and Creeds. These were also judged sufficient. After promising not to preach or teach anything contrary to God’s Word as summarized in the Three Forms of Unity, he was declared eligible for call, as well as being granted permission to speak an edifying word in the churches. This is valid for one year.

Two letters were received regarding an appeal. Classis dealt with the appeal in closed session.

A letter was received from Aldergrove Canadian Reformed Church regarding Proposed overture to change Church Order Article 55. The proposal was adopted after interaction, and will be forwarded to Regional Synod West.

A letter was received from Aldergrove Canadian Reformed Church regarding Proposed revision of the Form for the Baptism of Infants. The proposal was adopted after interaction, and will be forwarded to Regional Synod West.

A report was received from the Treasurer. The churches were assessed at $1.00/communicant member. The treasurer was thanked for his work, and he was reappointed for the coming year.

Opportunity was given for a report from the Church for the inspection of the Archives. The report was received for information.

According to Article 44 of the Church Order, the chairman asked all the churches whether the ministry of the office bearers is being continued, whether the decisions of the major assemblies are being honoured, and whether there is any matter in which the consistories need the judgement and help of classis for the proper government of their church. All the churches responded affirmatively to the first two questions. Opportunity for the judgement and help of classis was made use of.

Vernon was appointed as the convening church for the next classis.

The date for the next classis is September 5, 2024, with December 5, 2024 as the alternate date.

Suggested officers for the next classis: chairman from Yarrow, vice-chairman from Abbotsford, and the clerk from Aldergrove.

After personal question period was made use of, and after the chairman noted with thankfulness that censure according to Article 34 of the Church Order was not needed, the Acts of classis were read and adopted; the press release was read and approved. Afterwards, the assembly was closed in singing and prayer.

For classis on June 6, 2024,
Jeremy Segstro (vice-chairman at that time)
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