
Press release of Classis Central Ontario (Burlington Fellowship) convened on March 22, 2024

Pastor Mark Stewart, on behalf of the Convening Church Fellowship Canadian Reformed Church in Burlington, welcomed the classis delegates and called the meeting to order. He read Romans 15 and led an opening prayer. We then sang Hymn 52.

After examination of the credentials, Pastor Mark Stewart reported that all credentials for the delegates are properly sent, and all primary delegates are seated. Pastor Hilmer Jagersma of Fellowship church was in attendance as an Advisor. Pastor Mark Stewart declared Classis Central Ontario constituted.

The appointed officers take their place: Pastor Greg Davidson (Blessings) as chairman, Br. Dave Van Raalte, (Elder delegate, Fellowship Church) as vice-chair, and Pastor Gerrit Bruintjes (Bethel) as clerk.

The agenda was adopted with a few adjustments.


The chairman noted the following matters of memorabilia: the ongoing health concerns of Rev. Chris Bosch, Rev. John VanPopta, and Rev. George VanPopta. All the retired ministers in the classis are noted with thankfulness. Also noted with thankfulness is Darren Feenstra’s installation as the new pastor of Jubilee, Fellowship’s new building, Pastor Winston Bosch’s work in Rwanda, Pastor Tony Roukema’s sabbatical, Pastor Bill deJong’s appointment at Redeemer as chaplain, and it is also noted with thankfulness that there are no vacancies in CCO. Also noted under memorabilia is Mercy church’s search for a building, and Blessing’s search for a second Pastor. Pastor Greg Davidson led in prayer over these matters.

Colloquium of Rev. Park

The Chairman asked Rev Kwangyoung Park to introduce himself to the assembly, which he did readily, and it was great to get to know him a little bit this way. Classis found all documents related to the call of Rev. Park to be in good order. Pastor Hilmer Jagersma prayed for Rev. Park before his examination. Rev. Park and Dr. Bill Dejong were asked to join the brothers at the table for Pastor Bill’s examination of Rev. Park, and they did so. Dr. Bill DeJong proceeded to ask Rev. Park questions regarding doctrine, and then there was an opportunity for the delegates to ask questions of Rev. Park - which they did.

Pastor Ian Wildeboer examined Rev. Park on church polity, and there was an opportunity for the delegates to ask questions of Rev. Park this topic as well. In closed session, the delegates were given the opportunity to speak to the colloquium, and there was some discussion. With thankfulness, classis deemed that Rev. Park sustained his colloquium. In open session, the chairman informed Rev. Park of this decision. Elder Peter Wildeboer prayed a prayer of thankfulness.

There was a motion to approbate the call from Bethel to Rev. Park, and the motion passed. The chairman spoke words of welcome to Rev. Park and invited all the attendees to congratulate and welcome him.

An Overture from Bethel church to remove the Hymn cap was discussed, amended, and adopted.

The delegates from the churches were asked, according to Article 44, C.O., whether the ministry of the office bearers is being continued, whether the decisions of the major assemblies were being honored, and whether there is any matter in which the consistories need the help of classis. All churches answered yes, yes, and no, respectively, with the exception that three churches sought advice from classis. Advice was given.

Classis went into closed session to discuss matters arising from a request from Ebenezer (the archive church) concerning access to the archive of CCO.

Pastor Darren Feenstra signed the form for subscription as the new Pastor at Jubilee.

Classis made the following appointments for the next Classis:
  1. The convening church for the next Classis will be Rehoboth, and it will be hosted at the Ebenezer building. 
  2. The suggested officers for the next Classis:
  3. Chairman: Rev. Gerrit Bruintjes
  4. Vice-chairman: Elder delegate from Rehoboth
  5. Clerk: Rev. Winston Bosch
Next Classis Central Ontario is scheduled for June 7, 2024. Alternate date is September 13, 2024.

Question period was made use of.

Fellowship is delegated to represent classis at the installation of Rev. Park at Bethel on April 14, 2024.

Christian censure according to Art. 34 C.O. was not necessary.

On behalf of Classis Central Ontario:
Dave Van Raalte (vice-chairman at that time) 
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