The Classis was opened in a Christian manner, with prayer to God thanking him for the recent ordination of Rev. Kos, and asking for God’s blessing on the approval of candidate Emadjeu’s call and his peremptory exam, Rev. Huijgen’s retirement in April, Rev. S. Van Leeuwen’s transition to Kerwood in June, the vacant churches of Taber and Hope, and the retired ministers Revs. Slomp, Aasman, Kalkman and Tiggelaar.
The delegates and the deputies for Regional Synod West are welcomed. Classis is constituted, with the following officers: Rev. M. ten Haaf, chairman; Rev. J. VanSpronsen, vice-chairman; Rev. J.Huijgen, clerk. The agenda is adopted.
Classis proceeds to the approbation of the call of br. Faustin Emadjeu by Neerlandia CanRC (CO 5.A). After the sermon proposal was deemed sufficient, classis explores the various disciplines. Br. Emadjeu sustained his examination and Classis approbates the call with the concurring advice of the deputies of RSW. After praying in thanks to God, congratulations are offered to the candidate and his wife.
Rev. Kos gives verbal assent to the content of the subscription form in anticipation of his signing of the form at the next meeting of the churches of Classis Alberta.
Classis dealt with reports, appeals and correspondence. (1) The report for contact with the the provincial government is received with thankfulness. (2) Classis dealt with two appeals in closed session. (3) After reviewing the documents presented, Rev. Van Leeuwen was granted a certificate of release from Classis Alberta (CO, Article 9). (4) Devon church asks for and receives advice concerning the work of convening churches.
Suggested date: June 20, 2024 (alt. Date September 12, 2024)
Suggested positons: Chairman- Rev. K.Wieske, Vice Chairman- Rev. M. Ten Haaf, Clerk - Rev. J. Van Spronsen. Convening Church: St. Albert
Appointments are reviewed and updated. Classis appoints Calgary to represent classis at the farewell for Rev. Huijgen. Barrhead church will represent classis at the ordination of br. Faustin Emadjeu
Personal Question Period is held
Brotherly Censure (Art 34, CO) is not needed
The Acts and the Press Release will be approved by the executive.
This classis is concluded with prayer. Giving thanks to the LORD for the service of Rev. J. Huijgen and Rev. S. Van Leeuwen in the churches of Classis Alberta.
Rev. J. VanSpronsen, vice-chair e.t.