Press release of Classis Niagara (Contracta) (Grassie Covenant) convened on February 7, 2024

Br. Ben Helder, chairman of convening church, Covenant Canadian Reformed Church of Grassie, led in opening devotions. He read Psalm 99 and led in prayer. He then invited those present to sing Psalm 95: 1, 3. The credentials were found to be in good order and classis was constituted. The following officers were appointed: Chairman – Br Ben Helder; Vice Chairman – Rev. Cody Swaving; Clerk – Rev. Ruurd Offringa.

The purpose of the meeting was to seek classis approval (as per Article 5 C.O.) for the acceptance of the call Rev. John Louwerse of Cornerstone Canadian Reformed Church received to serve at Covenant Canadian Reformed Church of Grassie. The council of Grassie had provided delegates with written material outlining all that was necessary as per Article 5, C.O. After a brief discussion the call was approbated. The church of Smithville was appointed to extend fraternal greetings on behalf of classis at the installation, which is to take place D.V. February 25, 2024.

Personal question period was made use of and no censure as per Art. 34 was necessary. The acts and press release were adopted. The vice-chairman invited the delegates to sing Psalm 133:1 and led in closing prayer.
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