On behalf of Refuge the convening church, Rev. Randall Visscher welcomed the delegates as well as Rev. Rick Vanderhorst. He then read 1 Peter 5:1-11 and opened in prayer.
Delegates from Refuge, Langley and Smithers were present via zoom. The credentials were found to be good order and the classis contracta was declared constituted. Rev. Randall Visscher was appointed as chair and Rev. Aidan Plug as vice-chairman and clerk. The agenda was adopted and the only matter on the agenda was the approbation of the call from Smithers Canadian Reformed Church to Rev. Rick Vanderhorst. It was confirmed that all the required documents were in order and the call was approbated.
Houston church is delegated to represent Classis Pacific West at the installation service planned for January 28, 2024, in the morning worship service.
The Acts and the Press Release were adopted via email. Rev. Aidan Plug led in prayer and Classis was closed.
For Classis contracta Pacific West, January 11, 2024, Rev. Aidan Plug, vice-chairman.