
Press release of Classis Alberta (Neerlandia Hope) convened on October 24, 2023

The Classis was opened in a Christian manner.  The delegates are welcomed, especially the deputies for Regional Synod West, with a view to a retirement and peremptory examination.

In prayer the memorabilia, of the vacancies and calls, are remembered.
The credentials are found to be in good order. 
Classis is constituted. 
Rev. J. Van Spronsen, chairman, Rev. J. Huijgen, vice-chair Rev. S. Van Leeuwen, clerk.
Classis agrees that it suffices that one of the RSW deputies will be connected via video link, due to his inability to travel due to weather related delays.
Classis proceeds to the approbation of the call of br. Caleb Kos by Devon CanRC. 
After the sermon proposal was deemed sufficient, classis explores the various disciplines. 
Br. Kos sustained his examination and Classis approbates the call and deputies RSW concur. 
Congratulations are offered to the candidate and his wife and we pray in thanksgiving to the LORD.

The church at Coaldale requests classis to give concurring advice in the case of the upcoming retirement of the Rev. J. Huijgen. Classis gives concurring advice and Deputies RSW concur with that. Rev. Huijgen’s retirement will officially commence April 15 2024.

One church seeks advice in a matter of discipline. Advise is given. Prayer, beseeching God’s grace and power, is offered up.

Suggested date for Next Classis: January 11, 2024 – (alt. date March 14, 2024)
Suggested positions: Chairman- Rev. M. Ten Haaf, Vice Chairman- Rev. J. Van Spronsen, Clerk -Rev. J. Huijgen. Convening Church: Neerlandia
Immanuel church will represent classis at the ordination of br. Caleb Kos.
Personal Question Period is held
Brotherly Censure (Art 34, CO) is not needed  
The Acts are adopted and the Press Release approved
This classis is concluded with prayer.

Rev. J. Huijgen, vice-chair e.t.
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