
Press release of Classis Central Ontario (Burlington Ebenezer) convened on September 15, 2023

  1. Opening:
    • Reverend Tony Roukema on behalf of the convening church, Ebenezer Can. Ref. church in Burlington, welcomed all the delegates and opened the meeting with the Scripture reading from Ephesians 4: 1-16, singing from and Psalm 87. 
  2. Report on Examination of Credentials by Rehoboth Church:
    • All credentials were reviewed and approved.
  3. Constitution of Classis:
    • Classis was constituted. Reverend Jake Torenvliet appointed as Chair, Dave Kampen as Vice Chair and Reverend Bill Dejong as Clerk.
  4. The agenda is adopted.
  5. Memorabilia: 
    • Professor Gootjes promoted to glory
    • Reverend Paul Aasman Retirement
    • Thankfulness for the new Streetlight building and opening ceremonies.
    • Reverend Bill Dejong’s new position as Chaplan at Redeemer University
    • Professor DeVisser’s Retirement
    • Minister Emeritus Reverend Bosch declining health condition.
  6. Reports: 
    • The churches in turn reported on their foreign and local mission activities and following each report their efforts were prayed over by a delegate from a neighbouring church.
    • Report on Inspection of Archives
    • Burlington-Fellowship church reported that the classis archives have been inspected and were found to be in good order except for a short list of items. The missing documents noted last year have been located and added into the archives.
    • The Treasurer’s report: Received and reviewed. The assessment proposal of $2.00 per communicant member was approved.
    • Report on Audit of the Books of the Treasurer: Rehoboth church reports that the financial records have been reviewed and are in good order.
    • Burlington-Rehoboth reported that the financial records for the Fund for Needy Churches were reviewed and found in good order.
  7. Question period according to Art. 44 CO:
    • All churches answered yes, yes and no with the exception of Blessings Church. Blessings leadership provided an update of Reverend Bill Dejong’s new position at Redeemer University as Chaplan.
  8. Correspondence received:
    • none
  9. Appointments were made for the following:
    • Committee of Examiners: Rev. Clarence VanderVelde, Rev. Bill deJong, Alternate: Reverend Tony Roukema, Reverend Winston Bosch
    • Church Visitors: Rev. Clarence VanderVelde (Convenor), Reverend Bill deJong, Pastor Tony Roukema, Rev. Gerrit Bruintjes, Reverend Winston Bosch, Reverend Ian Wildeboer, Hilmer Jagersma, Jake Torenvliet
    • Church Archives: Burlington - Ebenezer 
    • Church to inspect Archives: Burlington-Fellowship 
    • Treasurer: Mr. Jack Spithoff, Mr. John Hofsink (back-up)
    • Church for inspecting Treasurer’s books: Burlington-Rehoboth
    • Committee for Needy Churches: Mr. Ed Jans, Mr. Fred Lodder, Mrs. Aafke Spithoff.
    • Church for inspecting books of Fund for Needy churches: Burlington-Rehoboth
    • Committee for Appeals: Rev. J. deGelder (Convenor), Mr. Rick Ludwig, alternates: Reverend Gisbert Nederveen, Rev. John vanPopta, Mr. Leo Kampen (in that order)
    • Delegates for Regional Synod East: (Ministers) Reverend Ian Wildeboer , Reverend Hilmer Jagersma (Alternates) Rev. Clarence Vandervelde, Reverend Winston Bosch in that order, (Elders) Mr. Ron Jager, Mr. Ron Bremer, (alternates) Paul Broekema, Jack Spithoff (in that order).
    • Convening church for next Classis: Fellowship – Burlington at the New Street Location
    • Suggested Officers for next Classis: Reverend Bill Dejong (Chair), Elder from convening church (Vice Chair), Rev. Gerrit Bruintjes (Clerk)
  10. Date of next classis is set D.V. for Friday, December 8, 2023 at 9 a.m. at Canadian Fellowship Canadian Reformed Church (alternate date March 22, 2024).
  11. Question period was held
  12. Censure according to Article 34 C.O. was deemed unnecessary.
  13. The Acts were read and adopted. The Press Release was read and approved.
  14. Closing: Reverend Jake Torenvliet led in closing prayer. The meeting was adjourned.
Dave Kampen– Vice Chair
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