
Press release of Classis Pacific East (Lynden) convened on September 14, 2023

September 18, 2023 Lynden September 2023
Rev. Bill Wielenga of the convening church, Lynden, called the meeting to order and those present sang from Hymn 80 after which brother Wielenga read from Eph 1 and led in prayer.

A special welcome was extended to Rev. Johnathan Merica as a fraternal delegate from the RCUS. 
The credentials were examined and it was reported that the churches were duly represented by their delegates.

Classis was constituted; the officers to serve classis were appointed: C. Vanderlinde as chairman; T. Veenstra as vice-chairman; and I. Borst as clerk. 
Classis adopted its agenda, with revisions.

Rev. J. Segstro, who had not previously signed the subscription form in Classis Pacific East, affirmed his agreement and signed the form. 
A letter was received from the Committee on Ecumenical Relations (CER). Opportunity was given to interact with the contents of the letter. Classis will communicate to the CER concerning the activities within our classis pertaining to inter-church relations.
Rev. J. Merica addressed classis on behalf of the Western Classis of the RCUS. He expressed appreciation for the close relations between the RCUS Western Classis and Classis Pacific East of the Canadian and American Reformed Churches.

He shared some words regarding the state of the RCUS, the five seminaries they are affiliated with, their appreciation for the contact between our churches, and their ongoing Spanish translation ministry. He also shared some words of sincere gratitude for our ecclesiastical bond in the truth of God’s word.

The chairman responded with words that expressed gratitude for the address, and some delegates interacted with the fraternal delegate’s address.
A letter was received from Nooksack Valley regarding opportunities to support the RCUS. Delegates interacted with the contents of the letter.
An appeal was received from a member of the Vernon Canadian Reformed Church. This appeal was declared admissible and was dealt with in closed session. The appeal was denied.
Various reports were received:
  • The treasurer’s report was received. A word of thanks was expressed for the work of the treasurer.
  • A report was received from the church responsible for auditing the books. Vernon could report that the books were found in good order.
  • A report was received from the church responsible for inspection of the archives. Yarrow could report that the archives were found in good order.
  • Reports were received from the church visitors for visitations made to the churches of Aldergrove, Lynden, Nooksack Valley, Pathway, and Sardis. 
  • The chairman expressed thankfulness for the reports that were received.
According to Article 44 of the Church Order, the chairman asked all the churches whether the ministry of the office bearers is being continued, whether the decisions of the major assemblies are being honored, and whether there is any matter in which the consistories need the judgment and help of classis for the proper government of their church. All the churches responded affirmatively to the first two questions. Opportunity for the judgment and help of classis was made use of.
Nooksack Valley was appointed as the convening church for the next classis. The date for the next classis is December 14, 2023, with March 6, 2024 as the alternate date.

Suggested officers for the next classis: Chairman from Vernon, Vice-chairman from Sardis, and the clerk from Yarrow.

Classis appointed elders R. deHaan and R. Aikema as delegates to Regional Synod West to be convened by Chilliwack, November 21, 2023.

As first alternate, classis appointed M. Vreugdenhil and as second alternate, B. Vane.

As minister delegates, classis appointed Rev. B. Schoof and Rev. R. Schouten with Rev. D. Deboer as first alternate and as second alternate Rev. C. Vanderlinde.
After personal question period was made use of, and after the chairman noted with thankfulness that censure according to Article 34 of the Church Order was not needed, the Acts of classis were read and adopted; the press release was read and approved. Afterwards, the chairman led in prayer, the assembly sang, and the chairman closed the meeting.
For classis on September 14, 2023,
Tim Veenstra (vice-chairman at that time).
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