
Press release of Classis Alberta (Edmonton Providence) convened on September 12, 2023

On behalf of the convening church of Edmonton-Providence, Rev. Mark Tenhaaf led the delegates in Scripture reading, prayer, and the singing of a Hymn. The Classis was constituted with the following officers: Chairman: Rev. J. Huijgen Vice-Chairman: Rev. S. VanLeeuwen and Clerk: Rev. K. Wieske.

The agenda is adopted with some adjustments.

At the request of the Devon congregation, it is decided to call another Classis in order to hold the peremptory exam for Candidate Caleb Kos. Next convening Church will be Hope-Neerlandia.

A proposal submitted by the Calgary church to revise the decision recorded in Article 8.1 of the Acts of Classis Alberta held June 13, 2023, was declared admissible and a discussion ensued regarding the adopted procedure for evaluating Rev. G. Girard for entrance into the ministry. The proposal was denied.

Brother Oliver Hansma and Brother Rene Jacobi from the Aldergrove Brazil mission board address the Classes expressing appreciation for the ongoing support of the Churches in Classis Alberta. Brother Hansma continues with a presentation regarding the ongoing work of the Aldergrove Brazil Mission Board. This presentation was received with thankfulness. Several questions pertaining to the work in Brazil were asked and answered.

Classes proceeded to the examination of Rev. Greg Girard who presented a sermon proposal based on Genesis 9: 16-17. The sermon was determined to be insufficient, and the exam did not proceed.

Church visitation reports for the Churches of Coaldale and Taber were presented.

Neerlandia (Hope), Neerlandia, and Taber Churches requested ongoing pulpit supply. These requests were granted.

The chairman asked each church the questions from Article 44 of the Church Order. All churches responded with yes, yes and no.

Immanuel Canadian Reformed Church submits a proposal to establish a Committee for Students of Theology. The proposal is adopted with some changes. Rev. Veurink and VanSpronsen are appointed to the committee.

The following elders have been appointed to attend regional synod on November 21, 2023: Ray Noot, Martin Leyenhorst, with Charles Deboer and Dan Mackay as alternates in that order. The following ministers have been appointed to attend Rev. Huijgen and Rev. VanLeeuwen with Rev. Wieske and Rev. Ten Haaf as alternates in that order.

The Convening Church for the next Classis is Neerlandia-hope with the following dates: Oct 24, 2023. Suggested officers for next Classis are Chairman: Rev. J. VanSpronsen, Vice-Chairman: Rev. J. Huijgen, Clerk: Rev. S. van Leeuwen.

The correspondent from the URCNA, Rev. Jason Vanderhorst sends regrets that a delegate cannot attend because of their own Classis that is being held in Smithers on the same date.

A letter of greetings was received from OPC Pastor Iwan Baamann from Redeemer OPC in Airdrie, AB but regrets he cannot attend our classis.

Brotherly Censure, per Article 34 of the Church Order was deemed with thankfulness not to be needed.

The acts were adopted.

Press release approved.

Rev. S. van Leeuwen, Vice-chairman at the time.
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