
Press release of Classis Northern Ontario (Brampton Grace) convened on September 14, 2023

September 18, 2023 Brampton (Grace) September 2023
Press Release of Classis Northern Ontario (Grace-Brampton), September 14, 2023
On behalf of the convening church, Rev. Eric Onderwater opened the meeting in a Christian manner, remembering in prayer among other things the arrival of new pastors in our classis and the Gootjes family in the passing away of Dr. N. Gootjes. After the examination of the credentials, classis was constituted. 
Rev. Tyler Vandergaag and Rev. Steve Vandevelde signed the subscription form and were welcomed to the classis. 
Various reports were received with thanksgiving and question period as per Article 44 of the Church Order was held. 
The next meeting of classis is set for December 15th 2023, with an alternative date of December 14th 2023 if there is a short agenda. Officers for the next meeting were suggested as follows: Chairman: Rev. Eric Onderwater; Vice-chairman: Rev. Bryan Vanderhorst; Clerk: Rev. John Ludwig. 
As is customary for the September classis, the appointments to various tasks were reviewed and updated. 
Classis appointed the following brothers to attend Regional Synod East scheduled for November 8, 2023, at Living Word (Guelph): Elders Chris Togeretz (alt. Harry Linde) and Herman Post (alt. Andrew Mulder); Ministers: Rev. Theo Wierenga and Rev. John Ludwig (alt. Rev. Marc Jagt and Rev. Eric Onderwater).
After adopting the Acts and approving the Press Release, the chairman led in prayer and singing, and classis was closed. 
Rev. Jeff Poort, 
Vice-chair at that time
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