
Press release of Classis Contracta Ontario West (Hamilton Cornerstone) convened on July 5, 2023

On behalf of the convening church (Hamilton-Cornerstone), Br. Ben Harsevoort welcomed the
delegates and opened the meeting in a Christian manner.

After reviewing the credentials, classis was declared constituted. Br. Ben Harsevoort was chosen as chair and Rev. J. Temple as clerk.

The delegates reviewed documents pertaining to the honourable release of Rev. D. Feenstra as minister of the Cornerstone Canadian Reformed Church (Hamilton). Finding these documents to be in good order, Classis granted Rev. Feenstra an honourable release from his duties in Classis Ontario West. 

After reviewing the Acts and approving the Press Release, Rev. J. Temple closed the meeting in prayer, thanking the LORD for Rev. Feenstra’s faithful labours in Cornerstone and asking God to bless the Feenstras as they take up their task in Ottawa.
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