
Press release of Classis Pacific West (Houston) convened on June 22, 2023

June 26, 2023 Houston June 2023
On behalf of the convening church, Houston, Rev. H. Lee opened the meeting in a Christian manner, having the assembly read Psalm 20. The assembly sang Psalm 20:1,3. He then led in opening prayer.

He noted the departure of Rev. Segstro from Cloverdale to Yarrow, the vacancies in Cloverdale and Surrey-Maranatha and Smithers (2nd pastor), the call extended by Surrey-Maranatha to and declined by Rev. D. Feenstra, and the call extended by Cloverdale to Candidate Matthias Schat. A theological student, br. Damon Bosveld, interned with Rev. Alkema was also welcomed.

The delegates of the convening church of the previous classis, Cloverdale, examined the credentials and reported that all churches were properly represented at classis, except Surrey-Maranatha, which, after communication, indicated that they were unable to send delegates. Those in the Bulkley Valley were in Smithers, those in the Fraser Valley were in Willoughby Heights, with a video call connecting the two. Classis was declared constituted. As per the suggestion of the previous classis, Rev. H. Alkema was appointed chairman, Rev. K. Janssen vice-chairman, and Elder Vanderwoerd clerk.

The agenda for the meeting was adopted.

Due note was taken of incoming correspondence from the Committee on Ecumenical Relations (CER). The Deputy for Coordinating Ecclesiastical Contacts (Rev. A. Plug) was mandated to keep the CER informed as per the request.

There were no instructions from the churches or reports for classis to consider.

The chairman asked whether the ministry of the office–bearers is being continued, whether the
decisions of the major assemblies are being honoured, and whether there was any matter in which the consistories need the judgment and help of classis for the proper government of their church. Five churches responded with “yes, yes, no” and one with “yes, yes, yes”. Smithers requested advice regarding a discipline case; advice was given and prayer was offered regarding the request.

Opportunity was given to the churches to apprise each other of their mission activities. Cloverdale has recently become active in the Market Days, the last Saturday of the month, with handing out flyers. There were no updates from other churches, given the last report was 2 months earlier.

The following appointments were made by classis:
  • Convening of next classis: by Langley, on Thursday September 21, 2023 (if cancelled: December 21, 2023), at 9:00am. It was noted that, should a peremptory exam be necessary, that Langley can change the date to suit the circumstances.
  • Suggested officers for the next classis: Chair: provided by Willoughby Heights, Vice-chair: provided by Houston, Clerk: provided by Langley.
Opportunity was given for personal questions. Censure as per CO article 34 was not deemed necessary. The acts will be adopted by the executive. The press release of classis was read and approved. The chairman closed classis in a Christian manner, remembering the needs of the churches within classis, of the federation, and the needs of the world in his prayer. Following prayer, the assembly sang the doxology and was declared closed.

Rev. K. Janssen
Vice-chair of CPW June 2023.
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