
Press release of Classis Alberta (Edmonton Immanuel) convened on June 13, 2023

On behalf of the convening church of Edmonton-Immanuel, Elder Martin Leyenhorst led the delegates in Scripture reading, prayer and the singing of a Psalm. The Classis was constituted with the following officers: Chairman: Rev. S. VanLeeuwen, Vice-Chairman: Rev. K. Wieske and Clerk: Rev. G. Veurink. 
Classis proceeded to the preparatory examination of brother Caleb Kos. He presented documents proving that he is a member in good standing of one of the Churches and has successfully completed a course of study as required by the Churches (Church Order Article 4B1).
Classis heard a sermon proposal by brother Kos on Judges 13:1-5. Classis went into closed session to discuss the sermon proposal and hear the report of the examiners responsible for evaluating the sermon. With thankfulness, the Chairman informed brother Kos that he successfully sustained this part of the exam. Classis proceeded to examinations on OT exegesis, NT exegesis and Doctrine and Creeds. After a discussion in closed session, Classis decided that brother Kos successfully sustained the preparatory exam, and was declared eligible for call among the churches.
Psalm 134:3 was sung, prayer was offered, and the delegates congratulated br. and sr. Kos.
Classis received and discussed a report from the ad hoc committee to deal with the request of Rev. Greg Girard to be received as a minister in the Canadian Reformed Churches.  Classis discussed and adopted a procedure to be followed for this brother to be declared eligible for call in the Churches. This procedure, following the principles laid out in Church Order article 4B2 includes an initial examination by a Classis on the Creeds and Reformed confessions as well as Reformed Church order, a year-long period of preaching in the Churches of Classis Alberta, and then a final peremptory examination, which takes into account the feedback received from the Churches during the year of preaching. 
Rev. S. Van Leeuwen reported on his attendance as fraternal delegate at the URCNA Classis Western Canada on April 18, 2023.
Neerlandia (Hope) and Neerlandia Churches both requested pulpit supply, and requested that Rev. G. Veurink be appointed as church counsellor. Devon and Taber Churches requested ongoing pulpit supply. These requests were granted.   
The chairman asked each church the questions from Article 44 of the Church Order. The Church at St. Albert requested corresponding advice to proceed to the second announcement of Church discipline. Concurring advice was given.
The Church at Barrhead presented the required documents for the approbation of the call of Rev. G. Veurink. The documents being in order, the call was approbated.
Classis dealt in closed session with an appeal.
The Convening Church for the next Classis is Edmonton-Providence with the following dates: Sept 12, 2023, alternatively Dec 12, 2023. Suggested officers for next Classis are Chairman: Rev. J. Huijgen, Vice-Chairman: Rev. S. Van Leeuwen, Clerk: Rev. K. Wieske.
The observer from the URCNA, Rev. Tad Groenendijk was given the opportunity to address Classis and pass on greetings. The chairman responded with some appropriate words.
A letter of greetings was read from OPC Pastor Iwan Baarmann from Redeemer OPC in Airdrie, AB on behalf of Presbytery North-West of the OPC.
Brotherly Censure, per Article 34 of the Church Order was deemed with thankfulness not to be needed. The acts were adopted. The press release preparation was delegated to the executive. Rev. M. TenHaaf requested the singing of Psalm 133:1,2 and led in closing prayer.
Rev. K. Wieske, Vice-chairman at the time
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