
Press release of Classis Central Ontario (Toronto Bethel) convened on June 9, 2023

Elder John Van Dyk, on behalf of the convening church, welcomed all the delegates and opened
the meeting in a Christian manner. After examination of the credentials by the delegates of
Jubilee Church, Classis was constituted and those chosen to serve as executive took their
positions. The deputies of Regional Synod East were also in attendance and were welcomed.
The agenda was adopted. Two brothers who are interning were welcomed to the meeting as

Memorabilia: The chair noted the continuing health concerns of Rev. Chris Bosch, Rev. John
VanPopta, and Rev. George VanPopta. In addition, it was noted that Jubilee Church extended a
call to Rev. Darren Feenstra which was accepted. Also, Bethel Church has extended a call to
Rev. Cody Swaving for mission work in Papua New Guinea.

Reports: The church visitation reports for the Rehoboth, Fellowship, Redemption, Blessings,
Mercy, Ebenezer, Jubilee and Bethel churches were reviewed in closed session and a prayer of
thanksgiving was made.

The delegates from the churches were asked, according to Article 44, C.O., whether the ministry
of the office bearers is being continued, whether the decisions of the major assemblies were
being honored, and whether there is any matter in which the consistories need the help of
classis. All churches answered yes, yes, and no, respectively, with the exception that two
churches (Jubilee – Ottawa and Blessings - Hamilton) sought advice from classis, which was

Classis then considered the request from Blessings for concurring advice from Classis and the
deputies of Regional Synod East regarding the retirement of Rev. Paul Aasman effective August
31, 2023. Upon reviewing the relevant information, Classis and the deputies from Regional
Synod gave concurring advice. Appreciation was expressed to our brother for his faithful years
of service. A word of prayer was then made. Classis appointed Burlington Fellowship to
represent Classis at his retirement service. Pastor Paul then addressed Classis with words of

During coffee break, opportunity was given to brother K.C. Gilchrist, a member of Streetlight, to
address Classis giving account of how God has directed his life in his service and informing
Classis of his current ministry relating to the International Student Ministries (ISM). A word of
prayer was then made asking for a blessing over his ministry.

Classis then considered the request from Blessings Church to approbate the call to Rev.
Winston Bosch to serve as Minister of the Word at Streetlight Christian Church. When it was
determined that all the documents were in good order, the request was granted. Classis was
informed that the installation of Rev. Bosch is scheduled to take place on July 9, 2023 at 6:30
pm at Blessings Church. Mercy Church was appointed to represent Classis at the installation. A
prayer of thanksgiving was made.

Classis dealt with a letter received from the Committee on Ecumenical Relations (CER). The
letter requested Classis to keep the Committee informed of any inter-church relations that may
be occurring within the churches of CCO. Classis decided to receive the letter for information
on the grounds that the request goes beyond the purview of the CER’s mandate from General
Synod 2022 (see Acts of General Synod 2022, Art. 108 3.6e. This is a mandate for CER 
specifically, not for the churches and classes individually). Classis directed the clerk to respond
to the CER accordingly.

The date of the next classis was scheduled for Friday, September 15, 2023, at 9:00 am at
Ebenezer Canadian Reformed Church. The officers were suggested for the next classis.
Question period was held. Censure according to Article 34 C.O. was deemed unnecessary. The
Acts were adopted and the Press Release was approved.

Rev. Tony Roukema led in closing devotions and the meeting was adjourned.

For Classis Central Ontario
Andrew Baartman (Vice-Chairman at the time)
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