
Press release of Classis Contracta Pacific East (Lynden) convened on June 8, 2023

June 20, 2023 Lynden June 2023
On behalf of the convening church, Rev. B Wielenga opened the meeting in a Christian manner. The churches at Lynden, Nooksack and Yarrow were present and delegates were welcomed. The credentials were received and found to be in good order and the Classis Contracta was declared constituted. 

Rev. B Wielenga was appointed as chairman of the meeting and D. Willis as Vice-Chairman and Clerk.

The purpose of this Classis Contracta is to approbate the call of Rev. Jeremy Segstro to the Yarrow Canadian Reformed Church.

All required documents related to the call from both the Yarrow and Cloverdale Canadian Reformed Churches, along with the letter of release from Classis Pacific West, were received and confirmed to be in good order.

A motion to approve the approbation was presented and accepted by a show of hands.

The installation of Rev. J. Segstro as minister of the Word in the Yarrow Canadian Reformed Church will take place, the Lord willing, on June 18, 2023, in the morning worship service, the Rev. T Veenstra, of Sardis Canadian Reformed Church, presiding.

The clerk is appointed to submit a press release to the website of the Canadian Reformed Churches.

The Acts were adopted. After the vice-chairman led in prayer the Classis was closed.

For Classis, D. Willis
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