
Press release of Classis Northern Ontario (Arthur) convened on June 16, 2023

June 20, 2023 Arthur June 2023
On behalf of the convening church of Arthur, br. Ken Swaving welcomed the delegates and opened the meeting in a Christian manner. The delegates of Owen Sound reported that the credentials were in order. Classis was declared constituted. Rev. Bryan Vanderhorst served as chairman, Rev. Onderwater served as vice-chair, and Rev. Poort served as clerk.

The form of subscription was signed by Rev. Ludwig. The chairman asked the questions specified in Article 44 of the Church Order to the delegates of each church. It was determined with thankfulness that in the churches of classis, the ministry of the office-bearers is being continued, and that the decisions of the major assemblies are being honoured. No church requested advice or sought the judgment of classis for the proper government of their church, except for those churches who requested approbation of calls to ministers.

After the required documents were reviewed, the call of the church at Guelph Emmanuel to Rev. Tyler Vandergaag and the call of the church at Owen Sound to Rev. Steve Vandevelde were both approbated by classis. The church of Guelph Living Word was appointed to represent Classis at the installation of Rev. Vandergaag on July 2, 2023, in the AM service. The church of Grand Valley was appointed to represent Classis at the installation of Rev. Vandevelde on July 9, 2023, in the AM service.

An appeal was dealt with in closed session.

Classis appointed the church at Brampton as the convening church for the next Classis to be convened on Friday, Sep. 15, 2023 (or the previous evening if there are few items on the agenda).

Fraternal delegates from the URCNA, OPC and ERQ had been invited to the assembly, but none were able to attend. The convening church will invite fraternal delegates to the next classis and send representatives to other church assemblies if invited.

Question period was used and the chairman thanked the brothers for their brotherly cooperation. The Acts of Classis were adopted and the press release approved. The delegates sang a Psalm and the chairman led in prayer of thanksgiving. He declared this assembly closed.

Rev. Eric Onderwater (Vice-chair at that time)
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