
Press release of Classis Pacific West (Cloverdale) convened on April 27, 2023

May 4, 2023 Cloverdale April 2023
1. Opening
On behalf of the convening church at Cloverdale, Rev.J.Segstro opened the meeting with the reading of Psalm 145. By way of memorabilia he mentioned the passing away of Rev.K.Janssen’s father, the call extended by the church at Surrey-Maranatha to Rev.D.Feenstra as well as the acceptance of the call by Rev.J.Segstro of Cloverdale to the Canadian Reformed Church of Yarrow, and opened in prayer.
2. Constitution of Classis
The delegates from the church at Willoughby Heights examined the credentials and found them to be in good order, noting that no instructions from the churches were received. Classis was declared constituted, and Rev.R.Visscher was appointed as chairman, Rev.H.Alkema as vice-chairman, and Rev.K.Janssen. as clerk. 
3. Adoption of the Agenda
After a minor addition, the agenda was adopted.
4. Correspondence Received
A letter from the church at Cloverdale requested Classis to reconsider a decision made at the meeting of November 3&4, 2022. After some discussion, the submission from Cloverdale was deemed inadmissible.
5. Reports
a. Classical Treasurer – The treasurer, Br.J.J.Kuik, reported that sufficient funds were available to cover expenses in the past year. The treasurer was discharged from his responsibilities for the year ending December 31, 2022. 
b. Church for auditing the books of the Treasurer – The church at Cloverdale reported that the books of the treasurer were in good order.
c. Church for inspection of the archives – The church at Houston reported that the classical archives as kept by the church at Smithers are in order.
d. Church visitation reports – Reports of visits made to the churches at Houston, Langley, Refuge, Smithers and with the provisional council of the mission congregation in Prince George were received, noting with gratitude the Lord’s continuing care over these congregations. 
6. Question Period (Article 44) 
The chairman asked the delegates the questions from Article 44 (CO) and the delegates answered in turn. Under the provisions of this article, advice was requested by one church and granted by Classis. In connection with their anticipated upcoming vacancy, the church at Cloverdale also asked for and received advice in regards to pulpit supply. 
7. Mission: Fraternal Apprisal
An opportunity was given for the churches to give an update on their local outreach efforts and support for foreign mission.
8. Appointments
a. Next Classis – Convening church: Houston; date: June 22, 2023 (alternate September 21, 2023).
Suggested officers: Smithers (chairman), Willoughby Heights (vice-chairman), Houston (clerk).
b. Examinations – Coordinating deputies: Rev.K.Janssen and Rev.H.Alkema; OT – Rev.R.Visscher; NT – Rev.H.Alkema; Scripture Knowledge – Rev.A.Plug; Doctrine and Creeds – Rev.D.Vandeburgt; Church History – Rev.K.Janssen; Ethics – Rev.T.Schouten; Church Polity – Rev.K.Janssen; Pastoral Theology – Rev.H.Lee.
c. Church Visitors – Rev.D.Vandeburgt (convener), Rev.H.Alkema, Rev.K.Janssen, Rev.R.Visscher.
d. Church for taking care of the archives – Smithers
e. Church to inspect the archives – Houston
f. Treasurer – Br.J.J.Kuik, 17167 83rd Avenue, Surrey, B.C., V4N 0B2; 778-574-5083; jkuik@shaw.ca
g. Church to audit the books of the treasurer – Cloverdale
h. Committee for Financial Aid to the Needy Churches – Brs.Harold Leyenhorst (convenor) [Langley], Jerome Lengkeek [Refuge], Gilbert Vanderwoerd [Houston]
i. Deputy for preaching arrangements in vacant Churches – Rev.R.Visscher
j. Deputy for coordinating ecclesiastical contacts – Rev.A.Plug.
k. Counsellors for vacant churches:
            i) provisional counsellor for Cloverdale: TBD
            ii) Rev.K.Janssen as counsellor for Maranatha
9. Closing
Personal question period was made use of. Censure according to Article 34 of the Church Order was not deemed necessary. The Acts were read and adopted, and the Press Release was read and approved. The chairman closed Classis with prayer, after which the delegates stood to praise God with the singing of Hymn 8. 
For Classis Pacific West,
H. Alkema (vice-chairman at that time)
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