
New temporary worship location for Glanbrook (Trinity)

October 24, 2020 Glanbrook (Trinity)
The Trinity Canadian Reformed Church of Glanbrook is currently worshipping at a new location temporarily to worship together in larger numbers within the current capacity and health by-law requirements. The new location is the Main Hall of the Riverside Exhibition Centre located on the Caledonia Fairgrounds, 151 Caithness Street East, Caledonia, Ontario.

We are maintaining a sign-up system to track and monitor attendance to within the current regulations. There are at times room for extra guests to join us in worship, and if you would like to inquire about whether there is any availability, please contact Logan Ludwig, who maintains the worship service attendance sheet. Availability is opened up to others after 6PM on Saturday evenings. Brother Ludwig can be reached at: logan.ludwig580@gmail.com.
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